What possesses someone to spend months building their own tank, climb in, armed to the teeth, smash up a couple of buildings with it, and then kill himself? At least no one else died. If only the poor guy had started a 'Blog, he could have worked all that anger out in a harmless, creative way.
06Jun04 — 2
The answer is simple. It looks like a case of bureaucracy gone amok, little men gaming the system to push him around and get him out of the way, regardless of his rights. It's apparent that no one died because he made sure no one did. He may have been pushed over the edge, but he wasn't crazy, he chose his material targets carefully. It looks like insurance will cover most of the damage though, too early to tell if that's a good thing or a shame. I wouldn't be suprised to see some corruption charges come out of the incident.
Thought you might enjoy this: http://www.triggerfinger.org/weblog/entry/5394.jsp