If you want to comment on this post you must provide the name of one person you fancy but wish you didn’t and one person who other people fancy, but you can’t understand why.
My pair (in translucent tops and in that order) are Trinny Woodall:

and Colin Firth:

Any pertinent bitching is also welcome.
Girls Aloud
Alan Rickman
Boris Johnson – it’s the way he says ‘crikey’.
Robin Cook. At least two women fancied him, and that is weird. He looks better now.
Jessica Simpson
Kimberly Stewart (Rod’s daughter)
Hugh Laurie (but only in House, which is odd as I don’t usually go much for American accents)
Russell Crowe. What *is* there to fancy about this man? He’s not good-looking, he’s an over-rated actor and he’s a violent little b*gger when he’s had a drink, to boot. Oh, and the poetry. Need I say more?
Christina Ricci in “Sleepy Hollow”, of course, and –
what on earth did women ever see in Justin Timberlake?
Don’t they have to be known by someone?
Embarrassed and mystified
Shamelessly stolen wholesale from Pooter Geek: Name one person
Trinny Woodall’s gorgeous, but that’s a deeply bad photo of her.
I can’t understand what anyone sees in Kate Moss.
Theresa May
Diana Spencer. (Even before she started looking better).
Benedict XVI
John Paul II
England 0
Trinny looks a little Ingrid Pitt in that photo. You know: Hammer Horror? Dracula? This isn’t about vampires is it? Because Nigella has that air about it to. Not that I am complaining,
You’re thinking, as do I often, of Ingrid Pitt’s role in The House That Dripped Blood, one of the weaker Amicus efforts apart from her toothsome performance. Nigella, mmm. Delia Smith has something about her, too.
Anne Robinson/Cher/Meg Ryan
Brad Pitt
Delia Smith???? Martin, explain! But thanks for The House that Dripped Blood. I had forgotten or never saw it. Only stills from the films perhaps. And I must use that activate spell check thing. But Delia?
Julie Andrews, no contest.
Victoria Beckham: somebody should tell her that her pout just makes her look stupid. And she’s too skeletal to be sexy.
courtney cox
britney spears
[…] Related to the “people you wish you didn’t fancy” thread (which is growing nicely), at a site that collects Web images of unattractive people, a sharp thirtysomething female dissects the hypocrisy of other, not-so-sharp thirtysomething females: […]
George, the House that Dripped Blood is out on DVD. Worth a peek, if only for the Ingrid segment that also has a fine comic turn by John Pertwee.
Delia? I can’t explain. I wish it weren’t so. Let history be my judge.
Thierry Henry (a Frenchman and a Gooner, for crying out loud!)
Paris Hilton (seriously, how can anyone who’s seen that tape fancy her? How boring!)
weirdly hot: Charlotte Church
really not: Sadie Frost
E: Kate Winslett
M: Mick Hucknall
Good: Marcia Cross (complicated feelings)
Bad: Liz Hurley
Katie Holmes (before she went competely la-la and started marrying midgets). Bland, snub-nosed, irritating but…
Nicole Kidman. That woman just has nil sex appeal at all…
E: I’ll have a vowel please, please Carol
M: Angelina Jolie
Good God, I do mix with the strangest people. But then Natasha Kaplinsky. Why not? I once sat on that chair next to her. I thought she was almost up there with Michelle Pfeiffer. Mary Pickford.
Martin, it must be the pies.
Angeline Jolie’s interesting: ridiculous-looking and quite unattractive in stills, but gorgeous when moving.
Do people really fancy Paris Hilton? And do people need to see the video to be put off?
Christopher Hitchens (could be worse, at least I don’t fancy his brother)
Jennifer Aniston (and her ex Brad Pitt for that matter)
A. I like a lady who can bake a pie and whistle a merry tune.
B. Julia Roberts. Three different people bolted together, but without all the fun of meddling with the very stuff of nature in a Carpathian mountain-top castle as the villagers advance with burning brands.
George and I are preparing our entries.
Writers, eh? Even their ‘Blog comments have to be announced in advance as works-in-progress. When will they be out in paperback?
Yeah, well. We have to work through our neurosis about the reviews first.
1) Eastenders’ Janine
2) Jessica Simpson
I have nothing further to say without my lawyer present
A time-consuming search of Google Images comes up with the least damning evidence [Jack Nicholson], but god knows, it’s thin pickings. Still, at least I can hold my head up slightly higher than those who go for this [Tom Cruise].
Stephen Pinker
Oh, good the link doesn’t work.
i wish i didn’t have a crush on 2D from Gorillaz.
i don’t get the big deal with Jessica Alba.
Not redheads.
E: Kermit
M: Nigella
Kinda true, but mainly to get you all riled!
Michael Portillo (I have never admitted this to anyone I know and I am not even a Tory – perhaps that’s the forbidden appeal)
Cameron Diaz
Weirdly hot: Kirsty Wark and her sticky-out ears. Or Victoria Beckham – anyone that gossip columnists are so spiteful about just needs some lovin’. Strangely not: Norah Jones. Come the glorious day, she gets the blindfold / last fag treatment along with James Blunt, Jamie Cullum and Pink Floyd.
[…] Following on from the satisfyingly successful “Embarrassed And Mystified“, PooterGeek now invites you to come up with two more celebrities’ names. To comment on this thread you must cite someone in the public eye who you consider to be talentless, crooked, or otherwise undeserving of the admiration they get, but who you can’t help liking; and someone who inexplicably keeps getting away with it, where “it” can be anything from being comprehensively useless to stealing money from sick children and spending it flying around the Middle East, dining with murderous thieves—just as an example, unrelated to anything which follows, obviously. […]
Yes; Kirtsy…Kirtsy…Kirtsy, she’s on late night review soon!!
No; Carol ‘witchy face’ Vorderman, are you all blind????
Yes: Dawn French
No: Beyonce Knowles
The Beet Girls… (from http://www.weeklybeet.com)
Dermot Murnaghan
E: Andrew Marr
M: Orlando Bloom
Colin Firth, but only in Pride and Prejudice. 😛
Paris Hilton. O_o Scary!
I have nothing further to say without my lawyer present
David Baddiel
Kate Moss/Hugh Grant
ps i also think trinny and colin are hot! 😮
Bernie Ecclestone?