THE EDGE: dicka-ticka-ticka-ticka [dicka-ticka-ticka-ticka] [[dicka-ticka-ticka-ticka]] [[[dicka-ticka-ticka-ticka…
BONO: And the Devil touched the angel in the middle of the desert…
BROOCE: Bwangggg! …in the shadow of the foundry, in the shadow of the flag…
ELVIS COSTELLO: …and the angel was a s-s-s-squaddie and the Devil was Thatch…
LORD MACCA OF LOCH KODAK: …and the little green frogs sang, “Get back! Get back!”…
NIGEL GODRICH [into MACCA’s in-ear monitors]: It’s just not happening for me, Paul: I need to hear more angst, man.
MACCA: …but the vomiting yuppie pigeons were fucking creeps!
THE EDGE: [[[[[[dicka-ticka-ticka-ticka]]]]]]
MARIAH CAREY: Eee-ooh-oo-ah-aaah! Baaaaaay-beeeee!
EVERYONE: I thought we agreed no girlfriends?!
STING: …Jah-meh-ki-an pigeons, Jah-meh-ki-an pigeons, just like in that book by Anthony Giddens…
ELVIS PRESLEY: …Uh-huh, uh-huh, but ah sho’ don’t see no loving doves on the Mare Nubium …
STING: …Giant leks are where they mate, walking on the moon…
BONO: …The moon that shone the night Jesus lied, the night my father cried…
THE EDGE: [[[[[[[[[[[[dicka-ticka-ticka-ticka]]]]]]]]]]]
LORD MACCA OF LOCH KODAK: …but my Auntie Edie’s knocking on the door with a cheeky Scouser grin…
NIGEL GODRICH: Angst, man.
MACCA: …she’s shouting, “Let me in! Let me in! It’s raining blood!”…
ELVIS COSTELLO: …blood and chocolate, coal and cream, dying here in Maggie’s dream…
BROOCE: …a dream of driving, a dream of striving, on the edge of a broken town…
BOB DYLAN: …nghhngn nhhgggn neeearrhhh nnnnhrnnn…
THE EDGE: [Adjusting his woolly hat, having not touched the strings of his guitar for the past two minutes] [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[dicka-ticka-ticka-ticka]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
(cont. bar 94)
At what point does Anastacia kick in?
about half way round the M25 when your 4- and 6-year olds start singing along, and you don’t even know the tune…