I don’t know if anyone from Sky’s legal department is reading this, but I thought I ought to warn you that my darling little sister is preparing proceedings against you because of the problems she’s been having with your domestic phone service.
Please, for your own good, send someone round in a van to fix her installation ASAP. You really, really don’t want to fight her. She’s never lost a case and the losers always wish they’d settled sooner. Worse, she’ll probably invite some of her students along to witness your humiliation.

Methinks Sky legal department reads everything. Like other legal departments who are after me, but I am a known paranoid…
[…] And I haven’t even mentioned Mr E’s catastrophic failure to understand of the nature of English law: “framed in such a way to protect us from future abuses”, “[enshrines] fundamental human rights”. It’s ironic that he should wheel out such lame and ill-informed rhetoric since one thing states that don’t have ID cards do tend to have is a legal system based on common law. His writing about this curious phenomenon might have been a smidgen more interesting than bitch-slapping Polly Toynbee across five sides of A4. I’d invite my sister to take time off from giving one of her classes to treat him to some of the same if I didn’t think he’d enjoy it. […]
[…] Congrats to my sister, Clare, and my brother-in-law, Steve, who are, according to the schools inspectorate, teaching at one of the best of the best of the best in the country. (PooterSis versus Sky update: it’s already looking bad for Murdoch’s empire.) […]
[…] I have instructed my sister to bring legal action against Dr Fieschi for killing my babelfish. […]