It’s one in the morning. About fifteen minutes ago, I got back from working hard at a delightful wedding. Thanks to Jason Hare, I’ve just read this piece by Stephen King about the joys of junk culture and listened to Petra Haden’s uplifting and progressively sillier cover of Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin’. I’m grinning like a loon.

PG grins like a loon
This kind of post easily makes it all worth it.
Good on you bro
That’s a great picture, Poot. Glad to hear you’re feeling upbeat.
Thank you. I’m hopeless at self-portraits so it’s appropriate that I should finally take a reasonable one while laughing at my own inability to take a photo without being able to see through the viewfinder.
I’m not as happy as Dancing Best Buy Man though.
A cappella indie chicks in frocks!
For some reason, that last video reminds me of this Honda commercial:
Wonderful. It helps, of course, that it’s a great song to begin with. Have you heard her version of The Who’s Sell Out album? Cracking stuff.
And the axe-work appears to be going well, Poot.