The headline above is a lie, as is almost everything in an article in The Daily Mail, fisked here by the British Humanist Association.
23Mar09 — 2
The headline above is a lie, as is almost everything in an article in The Daily Mail, fisked here by the British Humanist Association.
Atheists and Gnostics are right in most of their thinking
It has been common among religious believers to look with misgiving to atheists and Gnostics, and to think that they are mistaken; however, in many instances the opposite is the truth; some religious beliefs are not just irrelevant, but baseless. The “God” of main line traditions simply does not exist. I accepted the challenge of finding the One who may be recognized even by Gnostics and atheists: the Existence itself, “All-That-Is.” If something is there, that is God. Look at the book “Christianity Reformed From ist Roots – A life centered in God” ( I am confident that some of your friends will be relieved of the illusion, as I did myself.
Jairo Mejia, M. Psych., Santa Clara University
Retired Episcopal Priest
Carmel Valley, California
I just love the way people who don’t believe in God say He does not exist. What is your proof of this? You were a priest. Did you do it only for the house and paycheck? You then should know that Jesus says He will come and knock at the door. Those who want to recieve form Him, they open the door. And those who don’t – don’t. Surely we are all free to choose? You were once a priest. Why did you beome a priest? Why did you then stop being a priest? I am a Christ follower and lover and proud of it. He came to me and offered Salvation, I did not look for it. At that point I had a choice. Whether to say yes or no. I chose yes. I CHOSE yes. This I find is a fundamental issue that non-believers always overlook when talking about Christ followers and lovers. It is a choice. And I am free to make that choice. We are all free to make the choices for ourselves. Or at least we should be. Even in the Bible, we are told that God hates those who are false and hypocritical. In other words those who say they are Christians but don’t live the life. Those people are confused. I can make no comment about religion as I do not have religion. Just a free and easy loving time living by the Will of God. Nothing else. You live your life how you choose but let me as a lover and follower of Christ live mine.