As if anyone needed another reason to fancy Halle Berry, she turns out to have a GSOH as well: Halle Berry thanked the makers of Catwoman for “putting me in a God-awful movie” when she turned up to collect her worst actress Razzie award. The actress, whose surprise appearance got her a standing ovation from […]
Read MoreUnited States
Decked Out
As Saddam’s half-brother is handed over by the nervous Syrians, it’s an appropriate moment to catch up with some old friends. For those of us whose outrage at the continued immunity of various collections of state-sponsored goons around the World has been curdling for years this is a heartwarming sight.
Read MoreOliver Kamm Is Getting Sloppy
Yesterday, while snuffling through her head cold, my friend Judith was complaining on the phone about the depressing choice facing her in the upcoming US presidential elections, even (especially) as an ex-pat American. We know that every last vote counts. Like a lot of us 'Bloggish types, she wants a leader who will push for […]
Read MoreMy Kind Of Democrat
If this New York Times piece is right— “John Kerry is doing exactly what he should be doing right now. He is in a post-primary molting season. He’s emerging from the shadow of Howard Dean and becoming more like the policy twin of Joe Lieberman: a pro-trade, fiscally conservative centrist Democrat who is willing to […]
Read More“He doesn’t hate the United States.”
I missed this story [Washington Post free registration, yadda yadda] about a Saudi student on trial in the US from earlier in the month entirely, but Philip Greenspun didn’t and makes some excellent points about the difference between the way the USA treats its enemies within and without its borders.
Read MoreThe Undoing of Dean
Claire joins in Judith in the Democrat-bashing by pointing me at this Christopher Hitchens piece in Opinion Journal about Howard Dean. From the quotes and reports I’ve read so far I have to admit I don’t feel any wish to defend the faltering ex-frontrunner in the race for the Democratic nomination.
Read MoreSpeechification
It goes a bit like this: Americans are fat people with hunting rifles in enormous cars. They are led by a rich idiot cowboy who would rather drive his gas-guzzling cavalcade over the supine bodies of his country’s underclass than sign binding agreements with other peace-loving nations. They make vulgar films, which they force upon […]
Read MoreU! S! A! U! S! A!
It’s the Sunday afternoon “Support Our Troops” demonstration on the corner, near the Warner shopping park in Canoga Park, Californ-I-A. As usual I have my camera and I am hoping for some pics of the demonstrators. On the opposite side of the junction (five lanes away, of course) there are two anti-war protestors, a man […]
Read More08Apr02
The numbing predictability of it. Unfortunately I can't link to this, but the main political cartoon in today's Guardian has Bush with a missile-shaped "inhumane dog controller" in his hands and Blair as a lap-dog looking up at him with a missile-shaped bone in his mouth. Sharon is a fat hound wallowing in blood behind […]
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