Your meagre anecdotes insult Bast, Perfumed Protector, Cat Goddess. The one you call “Little Mo” has paid the ultimate price for your failure to show sufficient respect. Until all households of the Infidel West are part of the Catiphate our martyrdom operations will continue. Until the sacred lands of the desert again flow with milk and catnip the blood of a million moggies will be upon the radials of the Unbelievers!
Damian, was this taken before or after you blew yourself up in the martyrdom operation? How are you getting on with the 72 virgins? Or was it 72 raisins, after all?
It was after smashing my nose up in the diving-headfirst-into-the-shallow-end operation and before straightening it out again in the rhinoplasty operation.
I’m living in friends’ front room, wearing the clothes I’m going to throw out in ten days, I no longer have a computer – and what internet access I do get (outside work) is snatched in the moments between wall-to-wall limewire downloads and streaming gay porn – and you want anecdotes?
How about some Orkney pussy? She tried to rip my hand off a moment later – probably because I was poking her in an effort to get her to pose for the camera.
Oh, my friends would like to see your gay trousers.