Checking the PooterGeek comments that I have blocked in the moderation queue this morning, I note that, for the first time, the number expressing hatred of blacks is exactly matched by the number expressing hatred of Jews. Which is nice.
02May06 — 8
What was the balance before?
Usually the blacks win. It’s to do with the enzymes in our thigh muscles—or it could be that I don’t look quite Jewish enough in my picture.
Today it’s two of each. For example, someone called “Nathan” wants to “kill all jews yo” because “they suck”, while “Ste” says all blacks are good for is “curry and slaves”.
I feel bad sometimes for depriving you of these riches.
Yep. Just have to endure doing without. Plenty available on Comment is Free, on the other hand. Had you thought of having a nose job?
Are your enzymes or your thighs Jewish ? Is that what people don’t like ? How can I test myself for Jewishness in my thighs or enzymes ? Should I be worried if my thighs are Jewish, but my knees are not ? Will my knees attack my thighs if I have Jewish thighs and my knees follow some other religion ?
I am worried, as I suspect my ankles show an interest in Scientology, yet my toes lean towards Budhism.
Not sure about my knees though, but they may be C of E.
I had a comment recently containing a conspiracy theory of such mindboggling complexity (including Jews, the illuminati and aliens) that I keep it in the moderation queue for a while, to make sure I hadn’t hallucinated it, before deleting it.
In short, it appears that I was not observant enough to notice our alien overlords at the Euston Manifesto Group’s meetings, and thus missed the opportunity to ask them why they had chosen an Irish pub to plan their domination of mankind.
Just for your interest, I get about 300 disappointed visitors a month from Google, who come looking for “black sex”.
I think you’ll find they’re mostly me.
Is this a veiled allusion to the power of gay trousers?
Here is where you went wrong, PG. There are a lot more black people in the world, so relatively we still lead in the number of hate mails and stuff per capita. So here.