There's only one thing scarier for a 'Blogger than being linked to by Slashdot or Instapundit, that's getting hits from the Carter-Ruck libel practice in your server logs, as I did yesterday. Mummy.
28Jul04 — 2
There's only one thing scarier for a 'Blogger than being linked to by Slashdot or Instapundit, that's getting hits from the Carter-Ruck libel practice in your server logs, as I did yesterday. Mummy.
Have you received the letter “for and on behalf of ‘that snooty bitch Olivia'” yet?
Two answers:
Any resemblance between characters on PooterGeek and real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
If I ever got that letter it would be the first step in a class-action suit for and on behalf of multiple plaintiffs.