I knew that in Turkey Mein Kampf is a bestseller. I didn’t know that the theory of evolution was widely rejected there. Thanks to Mick Hartley and this in The Panda’s Thumb I have another reason to fear for civilization:
“As a result of the BAV campaign and other efforts to denounce evolution, he adds, most members of Turkey’s parliament today not only discount evolution but consider it a hoax. ‘Now creationism is in [high school] biology books,’ Sayin says. ‘Evolution is presented [by BAV] as a conspiracy of the Jewish and American imperialists to promote new world order and fascist motives … and the majority of the people believe it.'”
This is Europe in the 21st century.
Well, it’s mainly in Asia isn’t it?
Conspiracy theories?
Except for the American imperialists living in
Kansas who believe in “intelligent design” …..
I am a fourth year journalism student writing a dissertation on the effect of blogging on political journalism. I would be greatly appreciative if you could take just five minutes and answer the following three questions and perhaps provide a brief background to your weblog.
Thank you so much – Laura Sutherland. (laurasutherland29@msn.com)
(If you can think of anyone else that could help me, it would be great if you forward these questions to them.)
As I am sure you are aware during the past couple of years the alternative format of blogging has become increasingly prominent in the collective consciousness of the mass media. Blogging has made a place for itself as a means of gathering information about and commentating on public and private events. Ex-Conservative Party leader Iain Duncan Smith believes the blogosphere will become a force in Britain as politicians blogs afford them opportunities that the mainstream media often deny. Additionally the impact of 9/11on the blog world accelerated the growth amateur/enthusiast political blogger.
Q1. Both blogs, particularly the latter, have gained increasing notice and coverage for their role in breaking, shaping or spinning news stories and providing expertise on substantive issues. Are you aware of political journalists utilizing your blog for story tips or information? Is it in anyway your aim to attract the attention of the mass media, if not what is the objective of your blog?
Q2. Journalist Tom Regan suggested that ‘Blogs threaten to expose mainstream journalism at one of its weakest points—its lack of personal contact with its consumers and the sense that mainstream journalism and its practitioners are disconnected from the communities they are supposed to serve. How far would you agree with this statement? What benefits do blogs have over mainstream formats?
Q3. Similarly bloggers are not bound by standards of objectivity; most have strong views that they express openly. How accountable would you say blogs are and what reasons would you give for this?