How can I resist a ‘Blog post that knocks indie rockers and iPods at the same time? Thinking of buying an iPod Nano? If you really love music, there’s a better way to spend your money. Shame about the colour.
27Sep05 — 3
How can I resist a ‘Blog post that knocks indie rockers and iPods at the same time? Thinking of buying an iPod Nano? If you really love music, there’s a better way to spend your money. Shame about the colour.
Hey, thanks for the link. If Ventura Green is not to your taste, the V6 is also available in Laguna Blue, Firenza Red, Sunset Sunburst, and (to match the black Nano) in Boulevard Black. You see what they’re doing there with the colours?
Lefties get the Sunburst only from the standard colours, but also an exclusive Vintage White (aka cream)
You’re welcome. Your ‘Blog is genuinely interesting. (That’s “your” as in “y’all”.) I found it via GrammarPuss. It’s a continuing sadness to me that almost the only people who write thoughtfully about popular music in Britain these days are people who write about musical instruments. How I wish someone would revive Making Music magazine.
And even someone as indifferent to Dylan as I am would have to admit that your case for the musical competence of His Bobness is a sound one. Given my prejudices though, I’m buggered if I’m going to link to it.
(For your information, I own—“play” would be the wrong verb—a secondhand natural wood finish Yamaha Pacifica (Strat style) which, despite its shocking cheapness, even my axe-collecting guitar teacher is jealous of. It just behaves impeccably.)
Those Pacificas are quality instruments – and should be first choice for beginners. I lust for the slightly more expensive Mike Stern Pacifica (Tele shaped), and could even buy one at the trade price, but it’s easier to sneak in the odd £100 item, and hard to justify not paying the car insurance in favour of a more expensive thing.
Yamaha make lots of very nice, reasonably priced guitars, but often they lack that bit of soul. Like a Lexus compared to a BMW.