Sorry it’s been quiet. I’ve been working my way through hundreds of photo scans. Once I’ve finished I’ll be back in action here and on the Wedding Photography Blog.
In the meantime I couldn’t help but notice something familiar about one of the snaps I took on the river in Cambridge at Hot Wheels Helena‘s 30th birthday celebrations…

Counsell’s The Punting Instructions of Hot Wheels

Millais’ The Boyhood Of Raleigh
[Thanks to PooterGeek Snr for helping me with my nominative amnesia.]
Good to see some of your colour work, Damian.
You should credit the bw still, no? It’s very good.
Apparently it’s a skort actually. This is me in hot pants!
Omigod, H! You’re clearly being oppressed by the patriarchy in that photo. Every time I look at it I’m more appalled.
Worse, it’s going to trigger a very very boring thread here about “raunch culture” and Playboy bunnies and God knows what else…