Yesterday morning, I walked out of the building that my flat is in to find that the telephone box immediately outside it had been marked with words along the lines of:
in six-inch high black letters. Today I was going to write a post about it—not an “end of civilization as we know it” kind of thing; just some PooterGeekian whimsy about the declining traditions of calligraphy and illumination in these days of txtmsg and iBlackberry—so I went outside to copy the message down exactly, but it was gone.
Telephone box or old-fashioned police box?
Hmm not nice. although at least it was gone quickly.
after many years of living in Dagenham and witnessing loads of racist graffiti being scrawled on the shutters of corner shops, etc, one would of thought that the country more frequently referred to in racist abuse than any other was called “Packeystan”
Also I recall seeing painted on a wall in the Old Town of Edinburgh, “Britian for the British”… to which had been added beneath “stupid nazis learn to spell”
I suspect that putting such messages through a SMS-warp would have had something like the consequences you report
Though it is probably also an indicator of mental capacity, the standards of racist – and indeed many other forms of graffiti have, I am sure, deteriorated since texting took off.
If only John Cleese had been wandering by at the time in Roman military attire…
The nastiest piece of racist graffiti to hit our little town was daubed on a block of flats that were being demolished. Turned out to have been done of behalf of the BBC because a tiny part of an episode of that ‘gripping drama series’ “Casualty” was to be filmed there. They wanted it to look authentic. I know I’m very old but isn’t a very nice way to make things look authentic to leave them just as they are? Is this what I pay my licence fee for, going to the dogs, bring back Churchill, political correctness gone mad, Any Answers etc. etc.