Displaying his usual deftness, cuddly old Boris takes on the question of religious dress in schools in today’s Telegraph. You could summarise the first part of his contribution thusly:
“That Shabina Begum: even dressed like a pillar box you’d do her, wouldn’t you?”
And, as usual, he has a point.
There is no ‘shorter’ Boris Johnson. Boris may be a Tory and may therefore, as the rather ridicuolus Jeremy Hardy once put it on the News Quiz, be secretly planning to fill football stadiums with the shortly-to-be disappeared, but Boris is a kind of glory to the nation. He is the reason we came to England as refugees in 1956. He was the star shining in the west. It was not freedom, democracy or late liberal capitalism we were seeking but Boris Johnson. And now that we have found him, Geek, he is not to be ‘shortened’. No member of the Drones Club can ever be shortened.