In the past few days, for some strange reason, people who have never met me before have been accusing me of being a middle-aged, white, public-schoolboy, “hebe” second-rate academic.

Honky Cohensell relaxes at the Groucho Club unaware that the “real” holocaust is about to wipe the smile off his face.
“Second-rate academic”? I dream of being a second-rate academic! I can’t even get a job washing test-tubes.
Goodness, I’m enjoying this.
As you may remember, PG, I thought you were white when I made my very first post on this site. I should have known better and I thank you for your grace in not being too bothered. But at least I never accused you of the other stuff. Who is?
Happy Easter, btw.
Thank you
Guardian readers, loons, small children. You know, the usual.
Hah, it’s fun isn’t it?
I like the accusations that I’m in the pay of the British state, an RCP front, or part of some other undisclosed front (I could have a wild guess at the front they are suggesting).
The actual idea that the document is just a document put together and signed by like-minded people seems just too fantastic to contemplate.
Nevermind, I’m sure Oliver Stone is in talks to produce a film about the Euston Conspiracy.
‘Hebe’ – is a useful stand in for ‘the circle word’ at fashionable right-on dinner parties doncha know.
A certain National Bolshevik has managed to find a evidence of a conspiracy based on the spelling of certain words – ‘civilize’ for example.
did you know that the National Bolsheviks are a real political party, or at least a grouping, here in Latvia? They dress up in hammer-and-sickle T-shirts (available throughout the former Eastern bloc in all good Soviet memorabilia emporia) and disrupt stuff, especially Latvian nationalist stuff, and get arrested a lot. They have immense fun. Anyway, today is my birthday and I signed up to the Euston Manifesto as a birthday present to myself. How sad am I?
As one of your former constituents, Jane, I couldn’t possible comment.
Hakmao, I tend to spell “ize” words with “ise” since I feel that “advertize” looks silly. What am I now inferred to be guilty of?
They dress up in hammer-and-sickle T-shirts (available throughout the former Eastern bloc in all good Soviet memorabilia emporia)…
I’m surprised about that, TBH. I am very familiar with the hammer-and-sickle T-shirts on tacky stalls in Ukraine and Russia, but I assumed the Baltics wouldn’t find it as funny. My girlfriend, a Russian, has family in Estonia and apparently some Estonians get snotty if you try to speak Russian to them.
I am dreaming, or scheming, to get off the treadmill of whatever-rate academics in five-year’s time. Any idea or suggestion is more than welcome!
‘-ize’ has been cited as evidence of the EM having been drafted by Americans (you know the ones – CIA/State/shadowy financiers with divided loyalties). If you check the Oxford (and other dictionaries) ‘-ize’ is given as the correct/preferred usage, although many people in the UK (as well as New Zealand/Australia) use ‘-ise’.
Today chaos again rules the earth: confusion, struggle, hate, envy, discord, oppression, exploitation, crudity and selfishness. Brother no longer understands brother. And so, driven by a yearning for form, they give political support to the disorder which they perceive as order. They support chaos and political impotence. They reject those who would rescue them from chaos, calling us practitioners of realpolitik. From above, they suffer extortion through taxes and interest. From below, they are threatened by subterranean rumblings of the labouring masses. In stupefied blindness they embrace finance capital with its favored political structures. All kinds of organizations and interest groups are trying to restore order, but they are completely ineffectual in the present chaos of our public life.
We have the key. Read the Manifesto. Sign it. Crush Ahmedwhatsisname, smash Hamas.
Pootergeek and Norm united (or Man United)
Can never be defeated!
Avanti comrades!
To the recruiting offices! To Teheran! To ‘Aza!
No to third-periodism whatsisname!
To the Euston Station!
piss-poor parodist:
last line of Euston Manifesto:
Eustonista was just parroting the opening spiel from Monkey. S/He’s going to pull a hair out of her/his arse, summon up a cloud and fly away.
You’ll find that whenever you have an opinion someone disagrees with, you will be accused of being a Jew. (I am surprised the Anastasia fans haven’t cottoned on.)
It’s the beauty of being a Jew (that, and the conspiracy cheques). Pro-Iraq war? A Jew! Anti-Iraq war? A Jew! Totally indifferent on the question of the Iraq war? Well, that just proves you are a Jew.
Umm…pardon this unEustony comment, but some things simply must be said: I’ve gotten so used to thinking of The Geek as that disheveled urchin pictured in the purple margin of this blog that the above photo was quite a shock. Pooty grew up a cutie! That is all…
Thank you.
….I don’t know, …the photo makes him look a bit Jewish…
A ‘second-rate’ academic. I dream of being one of them – I’m only ‘third-rate’ at the moment (no leather elbow patches permitted on jackets).
Keep up the good work, PG. Ne te carborundem illegitimi.