In the summer of 2006, a particular grim one for British sport, this blog made public the list of new events planned for the 2012 London Olympics. Following the nation’s successes in Beijing, that has been further revised to include the following, again in alphabetical order:
- 4×4 Hundred-School Run
- Aussie Baiting
- Chopper-, Grifter-, Strika-, and Tomahawk-Class Cycling
- Eton Fives
- Guyball
- Jolly Hockey
- Lewd Behaviour
- Not Cricket
- Pistol Shooting At Dawn
- Post-modern Pentathalon:
- Roistering,
- Rogering,
- Raffishness,
- Rabble-rousing, and
- Roguery
- Private Yachting
- Quidditch
- Seated Pole Vault
- White-Water Cravating
While I’m on the subject, Tim Almond makes a good point here.
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