You won’t be surprised to read that I thoroughly approve of miscegenation. One day the whole world will be beige. There will be no war, all corner shops will sell five-spice, and no one will be able to make a buddy movie featuring a funny black sidekick. It always made me smile that the genome research centre I used to work in was a Baskin-Robbins of two-scoopers: half-Chinese, half-Malaysian, half-Thai, half-Sierra Leonean.

It’s therefore with great pleasure that I (belatedly) direct you to photos of the marriage of two of her musician friends taken by my cyber-chum Grace Tsai Moy. How often do you get to see a bindi and a flat cap under a chuppah?
Incidentally, many people believe that young mixed-race individuals are always beautiful. Sadly, like all hypotheses, this can be undermined by a single counter-example.

(When I googled for that image I also found this picture of a giant ferret called Ferdinand. Coincidence?)
“How often do you get to see a bindi and a flat cap under a chuppah?”
I agree, not that often, but there are some Indian Jews who wear bindis…and for all I know, there may be men among them who’d be married in a flat cap. It’s the flat cap that’s the really rare object for a chuppah photo.
I never thought I’d hear myself saying such a thing about a football prima donna, but ….poor old Rio Ferdinand. Don’t you think you should pick on people your own size?
Even after the beige-ification of the planet some tribal hatreds will have to be preserved for the good of humanity. I dream of a world where all right-thinking people direct their residual antipathy towards Man U. The global fraternity of pseudo-Mancunian glory-chasers would, I am sure, have it no other way.
Hmm, this reminds me of the book/TV show ‘Mutants’ where Armand Marie Leroi did a bit of gushing about mixed race people about how mixing races evens out features.
Just out of wild scientific curiosity PooterGeek, how many or what percentage of the marriages of your friends, the people you know that are mixed race are half white (European/European Jewish) from their father and half Asian/African/Latin American from their mother?
Hello, Alynzia, you two-scooper.
In my age group I can think of one Arab (wife) / European (husband) marriage, one European (wife) / South Asian (husband), and one African (wife) / European (husband).
When she saw an mixed European-African girl, my sister used to always be able to tell which parent was white and which black. I couldn’t figure out how she did it until she explained that it was the hair. European women usually don’t have afro hair so they usually don’t know how to braid it properly. Even that’s changing these days.
ay gevalt/goodness gracious me!
a world with no green eyed redheads would be a sadder place (though maybe a safer one)
And the ferret really is far prettier
Incidentally, many people believe that young mixed-race individuals are always beautiful.
It’s often true. This lad is already attracting all the girls. He’s about 19 years ahead of where I was.
Sorry, this lad.