I have a gorgeous twentysomething friend “of Punjabi descent” who nurtures a secret love for former BBC political correspondent and Radio 4 culture vulture Andrew Marr:

Yes, that’s Radiohead lead singer Thom Yorke’s babyfather Andrew Marr:

Thanks to the certifiable “I Am An Englishman” I can reveal that her secret love is likely to be reciprocated, physically at least. The proprietor of that site writes:
The journalist who wrote what you are about to read, felt secure enough in his own elite, establishment role to lay his totalitarian beliefs on the line in his own column and, as the newspaper’s editor and owners were content to see such material published, one must presume that they also were not averse to seeing such a Brave New World imposed upon the dumb, British herd.
This is what was said:
“Widespread and vigorous miscegenation (race mixing)… is the best answer…
Teachers are the most effective anti-racist campaigners in the country, this means more than education in other religions, it means a form of political education. Only people who understand the economic forces changing their world, threatening them… have a chance of being immune to the old tribal chants.
And the final answer, frankly, is the vigorous use of state power to coerce and repress…
I firmly believe that repression can be a great, civilising instrument for good.
Stamp hard on certain ‘natural’ beliefs for long enough and you can almost kill them off…
A new Race Relations Act will impose the will of the state on millions of other lives too.”
When I read this article I felt the hairs stand up on the back of my neck.
1984? Animal Farm? We had arrived, we were there already. It wasn’t paranoia after all, it was very, very real.
It didn’t matter what we did, it didn’t matter what we said, it didn’t matter what we wanted, it didn’t matter how we voted, the same old dark manipulators would always be in charge and we better start getting used to it, or else.
The liberal commissar responsible for the casual sabre rattle recorded above, was none other than that most languid Master of political ceremonies, Andrew Marr, top bloke at the BBC and one of the most powerful political journalists of the age.
The chattering classes have every bit as much of a hold over our lives as the politicians do.
They hand our opinions to us on a plate, they shape our beliefs and attitudes. Everything the media throws at us, from cradle to grave, affects the way we behave and think.
Shiny eyed zealots such as Andrew Marr and Tony Blair do not care what we want or feel, they care only for the promised land that their wisdom, their insight and their determination will lead us on to in the future.
So now you know.
Now you know what THEY have been doing all this time.
After some more not-paranoid-at-all stuff about what “THEY” are up to, he continues:
That [sic] us Andrew Marr is talking about, folks.
The British people.
Actually, as Marr is Scottish and Tony B is Scots-Irish, I reckon their desire to “coerce”, “repress” “civilise” and “miscegenate” is aimed pretty exclusively at the English.
Which is why this website is titled as it is.
This is Andrew Marr:
UPDATE: I’d like to share with you this wonderful “I Am An Englishman” poll:
If England was invaded who would be least likely to collaborate?
- Politicians
- Businessmen
- Police
- Englishwomen
- Englishmen
- Scots, Welsh and Irish
- Negroes
- Jews
- Asians
- Homosexuals
At the time of writing the scores are:
- Englishmen 64.2%
- Scots, Welsh and Irish 16.7%
- Asians 4.9%
- Englishwomen 4.9%
- Jews 3.1%
- Homosexuals 2.5%
- Police 1.9%
- Negroes 1.2%
- Businessmen 0.6%
- Politicians 0.0%
Given that there have only been 167 votes in total, with your help I’d like to take “Negroes” to the number one spot. Get voting, PooterGeekers! [You might have to scroll down the page a bit.]
UPDATE at 14:41: The Negroes are now up to fifth place from eighth, overtaking both the Jews and the Homosexuals.
Negroes have now surged past Asians and Englishmen too!
Sorry. That should be “Englishwomen”.
I mean, be serious.
Alert! the questions seems to have changed, the page i read said they would be *most* likely to collaborate. Which means voting for englishmen. Annoying, since I am one and I really didn’t want to collborate. But you can’t argue with those figures, so I’ll grin and bear it.
CB – it’s the question after that one that you should be voting on.
Betraying my own special interest group I opted for the greater good and voted *negro* – now placed third.
The whole thing gave me the creeps though.
Oh – I wanted to say that I think both Thom Yorke and Andrew Marr have something sexy about them – perhaps I don’t see ugly (or I just pick up on creativity/*angst*/intelligence). I do find that people who obviously spend too much time on their appearance completely sexless for some reason. Erm, that’s all.
I just hate mutherfukkas like that prick who run hate sites.
They aren’t funny and never will be. Anyone got his address? You know…like confronting the cunt in real life would be good I reckon.
I just laugh at them.
Earlier today I was told that he’d taken his site down completely—out of embarrassment probably. Now he’s merely resorted to changing the wording of the poll we’re messing with.
It’s not a hate site; it’s a fear site. He’s scared that the Jews will take his money, the Negroes will take his woman, and the Homosexuals will take his virginity. No one should take him seriously. He’s right though: Englishmen like him really are doomed to extinction—just not for the reasons he thinks they are.
Aye. You’re probably correct there about the ‘fear site’ stuff.
However, it would still be fun to give the fucker a kicking in the meantime though. No harm in enjoying yourself while proving someone’s non-humanity.
(Note to over serious fuckwits and assorted liberal nincompoops…just the rascists and the anti-humans. And yes, I decide).
“I can reveal that her secret love is likely to be reciprocated.”
Oh, if only that were true.
“Widespread and vigorous miscegenation (race mixing)… is the best answer.”
For a brief moment I thought—okay, desperately hoped—that Andrew was asking for volunteers when he wrote this. (And being the kind-hearted person I am, I would, of course, have offered to help Andrew to help society.) But after reading Andrew’s article, from which “I am an Englishman” took the quote, it’s quite clear he wasn’t. Oh well, it’s back to watching Andrew on Sunday AM for me then.
A respectable second place now with ~16%. Of course, I only voted ‘Negro’ because I owe Pootergeek a favour for giving my blog a shout.
Deep down, I firmly believe that Negros, Jews and Englishwomen have been conniving with the enemy throughout. It’s only a matter of time before they overthrow the English Gentleman and reign a bloody tryanny on our lands with rap, hanukkah and endless reruns of Sex and the City.