Right now Jo Caulfield is on, doing a routine about Friends Reunited—you know: that Website that was all the rage in 1999. An actor is putting on a nasal voice and pretending to be the school nerd reciting his online profile while she reads between its lines. No, the programme isn’t a repeat.
Next week: tune into hear the host share with us the amusing revelation that her spell checker keeps suggesting that she replace “Caulfield” with “Coalfield”.
How do things like this get commissioned for national broadcast?
Why did you leave it on? I haven’t been listening since approximately 6.31. But I guess that means I didn’t get a blog post out of it. You win!
How do things like this get commissioned for national broadcast?
My guess is she knows someone.
What do I know? I like(d) Bernard Manning, for Christ’s sake.
I know she was excited about the liberation of Mafeking, but did she have to keep going on and on about it?
My guess is that it’s serving the same social function as used to be perfomed by parcelling out curacies and livings to the sons who wouldn’t inherit. It saves us from the unedifying spectacle of educated people starving in the gutter.
Who says everything keeps changing in Britain? The Tuesday to Thursday 6:30 Radio Four slot has for decades provided a home for, apart from a couple of honourable exceptions, the most excruciatingly feeble comedies. Having finished the spaghetti and run out of conversation over coffee, we risked this evening’s effort; switched on at about 6:36 and off at about 6:38.
Having watched his History of Modern Britain, I’m sure that Andrew Marr could convince us it’s nearly all Tony Blair’s fault…
I’ve heard it twice, and I found her vaguely amusing. Preferable to watching *South Today* in the competing TV slot, which just runs endless stories about boats.
I was trapped in a moving vehicle when this aired, although I could probably have changed the channel if I’d tried hard enough. It was like listening to a train wreck, though – horrifying yet weirdly compelling.
Mitchell and Webb ain’t bad in that slot on Thursdays.
Bring back “Round the Horn”.
Good idea, i’ll fetch Bill Pertwee and you set to work with the dark arts to re-animate the rest. Don’t be raising Bernard Manning though whilst you’re at it.
Twas awful- as were the short stories a few weeks ago – does anyone know any good boarding school jokes..?
Vic, man, tell me you haven’t succumbed to watching South Today (“Spinnaker Millennium Tower” delayed until next century; Portsmouth pensioner face battered; “Lazer”-class yachtsman tipped for Olympic squad; small heath fire witnessed by cattle in New Forest; restored Hillman Imp 1100 donated to Beaulieu Motor Museum; local tween becomes drum majorette; etc.) …
If you think she’s bad then you haven’t heard Miranda Hart’s House Party – yes it is outdoor relief for the selectively educated.