I left The Observer on the shelf at the supermarket yesterday because it had another load of bollocks about MMR and autism on the front cover. Around the blogosphere, people who A) know some science and/or B) can be arsed to use Google show the newspaper’s science editor how to do his job: lizardoid Eustonian Anthony Cox, sinister media Jew* Ben Goldacre, and capitalist pigdog Tim Worstall.
*[Before I get another one of these, I should point out that Ben Goldacre is about as Jewish as Claudia Schiffer: see this post.]
Niether scientifically trained (few will believe me when I claim that economics is a science) and definitely too lazy to use Google.
One of the paid pieces of hack work I do is a blog based on the theories of Simon Baron Cohen, director of the Autism Institute (or something like that) at Cambridge.
Note that Tim didn’t object to being called a “capitalist pigdog”.
Do Lizardoids outrank sinister Jews and capitalist pigdogs? I’d like to think we were running the place – although some Lizardoids prone to conspiracy theories suggest that the star-crayfish Xertles-nebullium 5X is pulling our strings.
I have been accused of being Jewish, purely on the basis of a political opinion I expressed, to which I replied,
Can you guess which segment of the political spectrum this insight came from?
Imagine being an Israeli supporter called Tim Benjamin Newman living in the Middle East. I think everyone assumed I was a Jew. Sometimes I wish I was, actually. Then I’d be a wealthy diamond dealer, and not stuck on a Russian oilfield.
I thought there was money in that there Black Gold. Aren’t you going to come back and buy a Premier League Football club eventually?
Either that or end up face down in a snowdrift.
As I age, I look more Jewish. Does that count?
P.S. Looking at your photo, I think you do too.
[…] approach to writings on any subject that, at first scan, appear fundamentally bogus is simply not to bother reading them in any depth. Fortunately, when it comes to health scares, around which such bogosity is sometimes fatally […]
Seriously, 20% of the Spaniards are Jews descendants…. Is that why the Spaniards are the most European anti Israel state? Lot of Jews were assimilated into the local European nations, by will, threat or by force, for centuries. According to the highly rhythm of emerging of Anti Semitism in Britain, one might think that British are second to Spain in absorbing Jews back in their history (-: