Everyone else did this ages ago. I have a long and boring chore to finish right now, so naturally I am procrastinating with things like the Political Compass test. I didn’t like a lot of the site’s questions and its idea of where the Centre is, but its assessment of my politics relative to those of the UK Labour, Conservative, and Lib Dem parties as laid out in the second (right-hand side) plot seems accurate to me. In the first plot, I’m the red dot: a long way Left and libertarian of the big three, which is fine by me; and not as far away from the Greens, which is not fine by me at all.
19Jun08 — 2
well that explains a few things – you’re slightly more libertarian than me but only by a gnat’s whisker. Must ring you re goodbye Brighton photos…
I came out pretty close to you. And (insert your own joke here) my answers reflected both my own view and, in almost all cases, Labour Party policy as I understand it.* So I wonder how reliable the right-hand chart’s placing of “New Labour”, and indeed the other political parties, is. I suspect the site’s creators may have filled in the answers themselves.
*Enormous caveat: the lack of “don’t know”, “don’t care” and “this is obviously a false dichotomy” options is a very serious weakness, in my view.