The front page of some editions of today’s Daily Mail screams “WAR ON MIDDLE INCOME STUDENTS”. Given what the Mail thinks of as “middle income”, where do I sign up?
Read MoreEducation
Monarchies Rule!
Both normblog and The Daily Ablution currently have posts up about the United Nations Development Programme's chart of “most developed” countries. A commenter at The Ablution points out that all six of the top six most developed countries are constitutional monarchies. Stephen K will be pleased.
Read MoreHidden Among Us
At least coloured people have the community-spiritedness to make their status as such more-or-less obvious, thereby sparing innocent bystanders unnecessary unpleasantness and their enemies the inconvenience of having to mark them out with little stars—or bigger swastikas. (The photo accompanying that article reminds me that it would have been helpful to all the budding neo-Nazis […]
Read MoreInnocence
The biggest 'Blog in Britain is written by a prostitute. One of the biggest mainstream US news stories about 'Blogging broke when an intern sleeping with US government employees for money was outed by another 'Blogger. When it comes to Weblogs, the Anglo media have one thing on their minds and it isn't the potentially […]
Read MoreDifficult Father
Over at Brian Micklethwait’s education ‘Blog, a recent entry ends with a tale of a man who defines the phrase “demanding parent”.
Read MoreSome Should Have Prizes
The willingness of teachers to give out ‘A’ grades to their pupils in one state in the US seems to affect the performance of those pupils. This article summarizes a study of the effect. Ignore the writer’s political slant, but follow his various threads describing the results; they’re important, I think.
Read MoreSlowly Going Sane
If the Tories start talking sense like this and this about the big issues I may be hauled up before the Labour Party for voting for them.
Read MoreBoys and Education
This is interesting. I feel sorry for boys who have to deal with the current system of school exams in Britain. I certainly would have performed poorly under it. Counting coursework in exam scores is a cheats’ charter. Plodding and “sharing answers” are rewarded. Originality and competitiveness are penalized.
Read MorePutting A Stop To It
It looks like the Americans are going to get a Trussing too. Whatever the article says, the reason this humorous punctuation guide was such a bestseller in Britain at Christmas isn’t a mystery. In our crappy English comprehensives very few teachers teach punctuation well and very few pupils overcome the peer pressure not to learn. […]
Read MoreVery “Silly Spiders” Indeed
Ask not how I came to be visiting this page; ask instead why a lesson in how to distinguish spiders from flies by counting the number of legs they have is illustrated by two six-legged spiders.
Read MoreYoung Minds
This made me laugh out loud. There was a debate on the geek news site Slashdot earlier this week about ageism in information technology hiring. “Gen X-ers“, like me, are reaching their 30s and people don’t want to take them on as programmers, preferring “younger minds” instead. One thoughtful and informed comment on this was […]
Read MoreUseful Idiots
Tuned into Radio Bloke expecting the England football team to get "lost in a thicket of mediocrity" against Turkey—because the front page of today's Telegraph today told me so. In fact England won 2–0. Wow, surely it couldn't have been another example of British journo hyperbole at its hysterical best?—and with our newspapers being so […]
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