YESTERDAY EVENING: I’m outside the House of Commons with Bloggers4Labour supremo Andrew Regan, his sister, and another friend. We’re on our way to Andrew’s [very successful as it happened] Labour blogging meeting in one of the Commons committee rooms. As you’d expect in these Times Of Terror, every visitor gets scanned and searched. Naturally, I […]
Read MoreWarfare
Evolutionary Arms Race Update
Meanwhile, embarrassed by the cats, the chimpanzees get in on the act [requires free registration]. (Note that most of the chimp spear-carriers are female.)
Read MoreReach For The Pie
I’m sitting here eating a microwaved vegetable biryani in front of my computer, having returned from a Ginsters-fuelled morning shoot of a band at Shoreham Airport, a cute, art deco building surrounded by dodgy Italian mopeds of the sky—not just propellor aircraft that look like they are powered by elastic bands, but helicopters that were […]
Read MoreMillions Of Souls Cry Out
I’m taking a few days off from blogging because I’m busy so I will leave you, as always on such occasions, with one of PooterGeek’s famously hilarious repackaged jokes. But first, this is perhaps a good time to link to one man’s account of his attempt to go without the Net for a week: Day […]
Read MoreMaking A Connection
According to The Times: [DAVID] IRVING ATTACKS AUSTRIA AFTER BAN Surely he knows enough history to have arranged for some of his far-Right friends inside the country to organise a peaceful takeover instead?
Read MoreParachute Pants
hammertime 2 —originally uploaded by gigiagius. Fresh from Iran’s Holocaust conference here’s a screen capture from a revisionist film showing the Nazis for the fun-loving japesters they really were. (And this is neat.)
Read MoreNot German Efficiency
I am notoriously sensitive to people revealing the plots of television series and films. As pharma geek Anthony correctly diagnosed, I watch things long after their broadcast/release, often via Amazon’s cheap and cheerful rental-by-post system, and I don’t have a TV. A side-effect is that many of my reviews here are out-of-date, but at least […]
Read MoreConsulting Intelligence
Thanks to the Anonymous Economist for sending me a copy of a New York Times article that highlights some of the monumental point-missing of the current debates about (for example) Iraq and the War on Terror simply by asking a dumb question. CAN YOU TELL A SUNNI FROM A SHIITE? By JEFF STEIN FOR the […]
Read MoreTilting At Bots
I suspect that quite a few people have, like me, recently had someone going by the name of “cell-phone-accessory” drop by and leave a comment on their blogs. The comment is a rambling rant about terrorism. Its content is similar to that of an Independent opinion piece, though the spelling and grammar are poorer. Gloria […]
Read MoreKiller One-Two
The original blog post was okay, but read on to enjoy the knocking out of James C in the comments beneath it by the flying fists of Tim Worstall and dearieme. I’m late to this, I know, but via Drunkenblogging, I read another example of inverted bigotry, even more extreme than James C’s: Muhammad Abdul […]
Read MoreAdmirable; Futile
Like a man trying to teach calculus to a hamster, Anthony “Black Triangle” Cox attempts to apply logic to the content of a front page of The Independent. For some reason I am reminded of Norm’s continuing struggles with The Guardian.
Read MoreLighten Up!
Over at Drink-Soaked Trots, frustrated holidaymaker Eric objects to the pre-emptive arrest of the alleged terrorists: “This all seems a counter-productive effort really. I mean actually arresting them before they actually carry out the attack may alienate these oppressed young men and further radicalise them. Not to mention that their civil rights have probably been […]
Read MoreRapid Build-Up
In response to today’s security alert cancelling all short-haul flights into Heathrow, the Danes have deployed an aircraft carrier off the coast of Jutland.
Read MoreSuperman
Having popped out a couple of twins, Israeli bloggess Gloria Salt is back. Via the comments on her most recent post, I stumbled upon the output of “nationally syndicated Libertarian columnist and author” Vin Suprynowicz. Via his commentary on the war in Lebanon… It’s typical for those who crave peace to try compromise and appeasement. […]
Read MoreA Magician
When I was a kid I was fascinated by a 3-D photo viewer called the View-Master. Last night as I lay in bed with my ThinkPad having finished off my latest post on the Wedding Photography Blog, I followed Design | asides from my blogroll there to the Magnum Photos site and experienced the same magic I […]
Read MoreZarqawi dead
According to the BBC.
Read MoreThe Curse Of Poot
Remember the Anastacians? Sony Music’s Anastacia forum has been shut down. PooterGeek lives on. Don’t mess with the Geek.
Read MoreJoin-The-Dots
Norman Kember, former hostage, interviewed on BBC Radio 4: “They were brave, but I disagree with their profession… It’s ironic isn’t it?: You go as a peace activist and you’re rescued by the SAS.“
Read MoreThe Euston Manifesto
Today, 13Apr06, we—bloggers, academics, campaigners, writers, scientists, journalists, citizens—launch the Euston Manifesto. With this document we hope to publicly assert our progressive, democratic, egalitarian, internationalist principles in the face of recent attacks upon them from the Right and, to our dismay, the Left. Many of us are of the Left, but we come from across […]
Read MoreI Almost Drowned In My Bath…
…when I heard this evening’s BBC Radio 4 news describe the September 11 attacks on New York as a “terrorist outrage”. Did anyone else catch that or were the vapours rising from my Matey causing me to hallucinate?
Read MoreFight! Fight!
There’s a fascinating rumble going on at Tim Worstall’s place about legal status of certain battlefield practices. Here’s the quote from a Telegraph article that Tim set it off with: Lt Col Glyn Harper, a professor at the New Zealand army’s Military Studies Institute, who co-authored the book, In the Face of the Enemy, said […]
Read MoreNo Joke
After a hard day’s coding [yeah, you thought I’d put that crap behind me too], there’s nothing like settling down in front of your monitor to watch the latest movie trailers online. The one(s) for Basic Instinct in particular is/are gloriously bad. I was going to write a few paragraphs marvelling at David Morrissey’s ability […]
Read MoreWhat A Pair Of Johnnies
My favourite quotes from this evening’s Front Row on BBC Radio 4: War artist John Keane asked if he might be romanticising the terrorists responsible for the Beslan school massacre: “I’m interested ultimately in what motivates people to kill people for political ends, for better or worse. And really the reason is: Everyone is a […]
Read MoreFor The Record
Some freaky blog technology glitch has resulted in a link back to PooterGeek being posted underneath a review of The Road To Guantánamo on a site calling itself “The Movies Blog“. Worse: the text of the link is the heading of a post of mine where I enthused about a trailer for Team America: World […]
Read MoreBricks And Water
In honour of today’s March For Freedom Of Expression I link to the deck where Jenna Bush will one day land to declare the liberal West’s victory in the culture war. [via Pootling—no relation]
Read MoreAs Cunning As A Fox Whose Name Is “Cunning”
I yield to no one in my admiration of Her Majesty’s Special Forces—except perhaps Michael Portillo—but there’s one detail in the Guardian‘s account of the casualty-free rescue of three hostages in Iraq yesterday that gives me pause: As SAS troopers prepared to raid a house in one of the most dangerous parts of Baghdad in […]
Read MorePooterGeek’s In-Depth Oscar Night Analysis
On the one hand, thousands of religious loons want you dead; on the other hand is Padma Lakshmi: Salman “you’d look smug too” Rushdie and Padma Lakshmi Meanwhile, WTF?: Helena “I am hoping the giant spider on my head will distract you from my dress” Bonham Carter [stolen from MSN]
Read MoreSky-Fairies Continue To Advise Leaders Of Free World
When I was about nine years old I told a bunch of advancing micro-racists that I wasn’t scared of them because “Jesus was on my side”. That the Son of God was shamefully absent throughout my subsequent twatting should have been a lesson to me then, but it was a few more years before I […]
Read MoreSerious ‘Blogging
Nothing much from me, but you should read every last one of these posts from Norm today.
Read MoreA Question For Owners Of Television Sets
Every time I see a photograph of Abu Hamza that includes his torso, it looks like he’s got an iPod Mini hanging round his neck. What is it?
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