
Neighbours from Hell

In the Looking Glass world of Israeli politics, war criminal and chronic embarrassment to right-thinking Israelis Ariel Sharon gets it in the neck for doing the right thing. If he ever manages to implement his plan to move these other embarrassments to right-thinking Israelis someone will, of course, shoot him dead—and graduate from assassin school […]

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Blood for Oil

I think Saddam showed something of a misunderstanding of organic chemistry and renewable energy. The idea that you can take oil out of the ground and replace it with human corpses seems, superficially, to make sense—especially if you can use the extracted oil itself to pay people to let you carry on doing something that […]

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Who Lied?

I’d just like to comment, on behalf of my own party, The Militant Rationalists: “O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!” and “Bring me the head of John Humphrys on a stick!” before linking you to this news item. By the way, can anyone see anything a little inappropriate about Michael Howard (Jewish) accusing Tony Blair (conspicuously […]

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In Other News

The latest message from the Osama Bin Laden Soundalike Society was top of the BBC’s headlines in all the evening news bulletins. Meanwhile, Claire alerted me to yet another horrifying development in Afghanistan. As I always say, it’s in the interests of both sides of the War on Terror to live in the parallel dimension […]

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Bashing The Bishops

Yesterday “Dr” David Hope, the Bishop of York, and “Dr” Tom Wright, the bishop of Durham, “contributed” to the debate about whether Tony Blair was right to go to war against Saddam’s regime. At the same time they contributed evidence to my case for the teaching of reasoning skills at British universities. PooterGeekers who know […]

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Saudi Ambassador A Clone

TinFoilHat emailed to warn me that Zionist scientists, funded by the World Bank and using technology copied from crashed flying saucers, have replaced the Saudi Ambassador to the United States with a clone. He even speaks Yiddish Saudi ambassador accuses Iraq war opposers of ‘chutzpah’ [Associated Press] Countries that opposed the US decision to invade […]

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Savouring The News

It’s delicious. As pointed out elsewhere, a perfect time to read Nick Cohen (long-time Left-wing opponent of Saddam’s regime) review Noam Chomsky’s latest rubbish. Those people cheering and sobbing with joy at Paul Bremer’s news conference and hurling abuse at Saddam on video weren’t Americans; they were Iraqis. I particularly enjoyed the moment when the […]

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It goes a bit like this: Americans are fat people with hunting rifles in enormous cars. They are led by a rich idiot cowboy who would rather drive his gas-guzzling cavalcade over the supine bodies of his country’s underclass than sign binding agreements with other peace-loving nations. They make vulgar films, which they force upon […]

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The Road Less Taken

What with the Roadmap being such a roaring success and all it seems a bit cheeky of me to pass on Judith‘s recommendation that we should all have a good look at the Geneva Accord, because, well, to my eyes it’s not completely crazy at least.

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Evil Or Stupid Or Both?

I am not going to link to the recent Guardian articles by Tariq Ali and George Monbiot about Iraq, just to the rather better and cleverer (Left-wing) ‘Bloggers who take them apart: Harry Hatchet and Norman Geras. Just as I cancelled my subscription to the right-wing Spectator because it continued to employ the racist, snobbish […]

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Positives and Negatives

Regular PooterGeekers have probably registered free for The New York Times already. It might be worth it for newcomers to do so too, so they can read its Onion-esque headline about the situation in Iraq today: “Despite Positives, More Negatives Are Predicted“ On Saturday night I went out to a “pirates and whores” party with […]

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Ad Homonym

I hope you’ve got RealPlayer for this, though the transcript adds an extra dimension of unintentional amusement. Alan Dershowitz and Norman Finkelstein go head-to-head in one of the most hilarious academic clashes ever committed to tape. Thanks to Wiqqi.

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You’ve Got To Laugh

Okay, all the worthy world affairs stuff is getting boring now, I know. Here’s some unworthy stuff about Iraq. Bonkers Iraqi parents name son after George Bush. British Spin has those missing Hutton Inquiry emails in full.

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Mmmm: Lemony Hamas!

Check this surreal phenomenon out before the Powers That Be fix it! If you search the BBC’s News site for “Arafat“, the first link you pull up takes you to a potted biography of Lemony Sicket, mysterious children’s author. It’s another Giant Lizard conspiracy, I tell you. The rest of this entry is second-hand ‘Blogging […]

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Terminology, Psychology, Who-ology, Stringology

It’s a busy ‘Blogging morning. First: here’s a scholarly (or at least reasonably well-informed) argument for me to remove my usual distancing quotation marks from “Islamofascist”, “balanced” by more criticism for the U.S. administration over Iraq and terrorism (specifically Al-Qaeda and friends) in a ‘Blog interview with Peter Bergen, author of Holy War, Inc.: Inside […]

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GI Joe to the Rescue

This is an example of that rare thing, excellent tabloid journalism. (In case you think this is Right-wing, gung-ho, salute-the-flag nonsense you should, as Wiqqi would say, read it in the context of Salam Pax.) Update: Adam says the Salam Pax link is dead. That’s because “Where’s Raed?” is currently dead. Probably killed by the […]

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In No Man’s Land

Today I have read two depressing Economist editorials about the “Road Map“. The first was in my subscription copy, written after the suicide bombing in Jerusalem, but before the assassination of Ismail Abu Shanab. It stated drily that things were worse than they looked. The second is online now. I don’t think a subscription is […]

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Flypaper / Quagmire / Tarpit

Amber* sent a link to a New York Times article [free registration required yakety yakety] about how the United States’ postwar slackness has fostered terrorism in Iraq. She also writes to tell me that, like everyone else (but me), she has received 400 email messages from various worms. Ah, Microsoft. (According to Geoff, our head […]

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Rebels Without a Brain

This article about the “Iraqi” “resistance” adds a couple of new-ish twists to the tales of guerilla warfare. I love the bit at the end about those Yankee bastards bringing attacks down on themselves by insensitively playing John Cougar Mellencamp through speakers strapped to their Humvees. That’s just evil. Why can’t they celebrate by firing […]

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Cruel Summer

Here’s another one from The Guardian, via Wiqqi, about the messiness of post-war justice in Iraq under the U.S.. There is something grimly ironic about an Iraqi trying to explain away gunfire to an American soldier with the phrase “every household in Baghdad has a gun”. I have no doubt that Americans are ballsing up […]

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Just War?

At last someone is making interesting points in the opinion pages of The Guardian about Iraq and the debate over wars of intervention. Thanks to Wiqqi for the link to this article which he suggests should be read alongside the latest from Iraqi ‘Blogger Salam Pax in the same newspaper. (I disagree with that suggestion, […]

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