Bunny Update

It’s Friday, so I’m not looking to revive that old argument about the stationery, but I thought you lot might be amused by my two Playboy-related observations of the week.

Firstly I was in an ASDA supermarket the other day and decided to survey their “Back To School” range. Hoping not to be denounced as a “paedo” by a baying crowd of chavs, I discreetly worked my way along the relevant aisle and examined all of the designs with a recognisable image or icon, as opposed to coloured patterns. There were, as far as I could see, three lines on sale [names invented by me]:

  • “cheeky monkey”: smiley, tree-climbing cartoon primate embossed on jungle foliage disc, all set on snot-green background
  • “pink loveheart”: single, large, cerise motif against monochrome (black?) background
  • “funky chicks”: three cool, attractive cartoon women standing with their hands on their hips or in other assertive-looking poses—fully clothed and with a token ethnic-beige character, yes, but with head-to-body ratios that make them older than adolescents and weight-to-height ratios that guarantee that none of them could menstruate

No Playboy bunnies though, so that’s alright then.

And secondly, by coincidence, the BBC Web News’ “interviews with people who have interesting jobs” series features a British Playboy model this week. Her page on their site features an hilariously posed and captioned photograph of her doing chores around her home. My sister used to supplement her limited student income with the sort of catalogue/high-street brand modelling that this woman claims to have started doing, but Clare made a conscious (and probably very expensive in terms of lost lifetime earnings) decision not to get her top off. Her most revealing job was about ten years ago, when she appeared in some fancy underwear in The Mirror, next to a caption that contained about five sentences, three of which were lies. Anyway, you now know where my niece gets her looks from—if not her colour.

Men Better At IQ Tests Than Women

Two men dumb enough to think it makes them smarter:

“Academics in the UK claim their research shows that men are more intelligent than women.

A study to be published later this year in the British Journal of Psychology says that men are on average five points ahead on IQ tests.

Paul Irwing and Professor Richard Lynn claim the difference grows when the highest IQ levels are considered.”

As Chris says, what’s the point?

Two Blogs On Cricket

normblog quoting C L R James:

“[T]he bowler v batsman confrontation “reproduces the central action which characterises all good drama from the days of the Greeks to our own: two individuals pitted against each other in a conflict that is strictly personal but no less representative of a social group.”

wongaBlog watching the game being played:

“[J]ust now I witnessed the following:

  1. Man 1 throws ball
  2. Man 2 hits ball away with bat
  3. Man 3, in a stunning flying leap, catches ball
  4. Massive cheers, and everybody crowds around Man 1.

Man 1? What about Man 3? He did a massive flying leapy catchy thing! All Man 1 did was throw the ball in a straight line…how hard can that be? He does it all the damn time! Poor old Man 3 had about 3 nanoseconds to react to an 80mph ball heading towards him and still managed to grab the thing, yet Mr throwy-throwy got all the glory. Poor Man 3, I felt sorry for him.”

Could Have Been A Contender

I received an email from Labour East High Command today. It was to remind me that we are currently running the “Annual John Prescott Membership Challenge”. I’ve weighed the matter and I think I’ll reply saying that, yes, on balance we should let him stay in the Party.

How’m Ah Lookin’?

The upgrade is supposedly complete.

Readers, PooterGeek should now be more relaxed about letting you (and me) contribute to the conversation and less likely to accuse you of being a dirty spammer. Please let me know if anything strange happens when you browse or comment here—however trivial it might seem to you.

Fellow ‘Bloggers, PooterGeek should now be accepting TrackBacks again.

All is functioning. Let the online poker spam begin.

What A Way To Treat An Audience

Thank you for your kind messages of support! Declaring my intentions to the World will, I hope, reduce the likelihood that I spend my new-found riches on Colombian nose powder and dancing girls.

Now I must warn you that later today things will probably get a bit strange around here later as I upgrade and re-configure PooterGeek. The spam protection systems I have installed are so ridiculously aggressive that it’s becoming difficult even for me to post. So, expect the site to disappear from time to time, then to reappear looking a bit different, then to be covered in comments advertising poker sites, then to be impossible to leave comments at, before settling down to some kind of normal.

Tony Blairs Tussauds waxwork in holiday dress

You have no idea how much extra traffic all these mentions of the word “playboy” are pulling in.

Piano Man “A Bit Crap” Shocker

Well I never. The media have been taken for a ride:

“[The Mirror] says that he has now returned to Germany, where he has two sisters and his father owns a farm.

“And, in a final revelation which will forever shatter the enigma of a man often compared to the pianist David Helfgott whose battles with mental illness were portrayed in the film Shine, the source told the paper that he was in fact ‘rubbish’ at the piano.

“When he was first discovered, the man refused to speak but when presented with a pen and paper, sketched a detailed picture of a grand piano. He was subsequently led to a piano in the hospital’s chapel where his four-hour performance was described by Michael Camp, his social worker, as ‘really amazing’.

“Now it is suggested that he merely tapped at one key repeatedly.”

Next week:

“Oasis revealed to be not very good at pop music. Neanderthal brothers returned to limestone quarry near Düsseldorf where they were discovered writing and performing the same song repeatedly. Entire British music press unavailable for comment.”

What Damian Did Next

Some weeks ago I promised you, dear PooterGeekers, that I would be telling you what I planned to do with my life now that the Medical Research Council no longer has need of my services. Those of you who come here for the trouser jokes can stop reading now. The rest of you might be interested in becoming involved in the exciting new road-going PooterGeek experience. Well, the trouser-joke lovers can stick around for this sentence because, thanks to your collective generosity, UK taxpayers, my bank accounts are now bulging like the spandex pants of a guitarist in Kiss. This is of course redundancy money.

Many people have suggested to me that I do something “sensible” with it like buy (a large chunk of) a house. One glance at the state of the bubblicious UK property market is enough to tell me that I might as well withdraw the cash in bundles of crisp tens, nail it to the outside of a garden shed, and set fire to the whole blummin’ thing.

Another, rather more pleasurable, way of burning up a wheelbarrow full of tenners is to live off it like a Trustafarian while you make “Art”. This I intend to do for at least a year, during which I will apply with my film composer friend Richard Brincklow for a Wellcome Trust SciArt grant. We hope that they will give us money to make music inspired by some of the interesting things discovered by the human genome project(s), especially some of the insights it and related work have given us into questions of “race” and human identity. We’ll compose and arrange our works, take them around schools and colleges to explain the music and the science behind the pieces to young students, invite them to contribute their own compositions and, finally, perform selections with a “chamber pop” ensemble in public concerts. Yes, I will be singing again, but without the make-up this time.

You are all welcome to get involved. I hope there will be a Website where you can listen to and comment on recordings of works in progress and samples of the accompanying explanatory talks that I want to present alongside the music—sort of mini Christmas lecture-style seminars about genomics for intelligent laypeople. You are also all invited to come along to our “recitals” when they take place. You might have to pay to get in, though.

Because Richard and at least two other potential collaborators on the project live there, and because it’s a happening kinda town, I’ll be moving to Brighton. If Wardytron’s experiences are anything to go by, this might prove to be challenging in itself. I know there are lots of ‘Bloggers and Lefties in Brighton. Hello to you all. Please don’t be afraid to drop me an email when I appear in your manor in about a month’s time.

To supplement my income I’ll be doing some more wedding photography

the bride and groom duck under confetti and bubbles

[click to enlarge]

a child gawps at Auriol's reception

[click to enlarge]

but for money. I’ve already had my first paying gig. If any of you have friends, relatives, or colleagues who would like someone to take quirky, beautiful photographs of their nuptials on film, please, please email me so that I can get in touch with them and show them a portfolio. They won’t get frozen families in carefully tiered ranks, but they’ll get some memories of real human beings enjoying themselves. And I’m not just good, I’m cheap.

You will not be surprised to read that I will also be writing. Again, I hope to get paid for this. Some of it will be boring to most of you, but I will tell you about various little projects as and when they come up. I’m not precious. Do get in touch with me also if you need someone to bang out readable, witty copy for commercial or technical purposes.

What I am not going to be doing over the next year is any scientific research. My disillusionment with my own achievements (or lack thereof) and with the UK scientific establishment is so great that even my slightly crazed enthusiasm for doing science has been crushed.

When I was eight or nine years old I won a competition to go to see a première of the original Star Wars—back in the days when Han shot first. I was so excited that there was a real possibility that I would wet myself before I got to the cinema. My dad (for whom anything short of encasement in an iron lung was no reason to skip school) took me away from my afternoon classes early and, as he handed me over to him, the headmaster (Mr Rehorn, I think) explained that in maths we had been doing the number of degress in a triangle. “There’ll always be one-hundred-and-eighty—until Damian proves otherwise sitting at some computer in Cambridge.”

After nearly thirty years I finally made it. (My school had never got anyone into Cambridge so they told me to try for Oxford instead.) When I arrived, what I actually discovered, sitting at my computer, was that I couldn’t really cut it with the big boys, and that I wasn’t sure if what the big boys were doing was all of real benefit to humanity. It’s time for me to move on and do something that I can excel at—and something that I have no doubt is completely and utterly trivial.

A while back I read a review of a biography of Glenda Jackson MP. One sentence in it stayed with me—something like: “The tragedy of Jackson’s life is that, instead of being the great Glenda Jackson, she chose to become a lousy Tony Blair.” I have spent fifteen years of my working life trying to be a medical researcher. Over the past couple of years it’s become clear to me that, even though I know I am better at my kind of medical research than some of my peers, I’m not good enough. Fortunately, I have now been given an opportunity to try to be better at something else. I start today. I don’t have Glenda Jackson’s kind of talent so all help will be gratefully received.


Jane Little of the BBC reports somewhat mischievously from Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to World Youth Day in Cologne, Germany. She describes the event as “a huge Catholic Woodstock”. This snippet is particularly naughty:

“Tobias Raschke, a curly-haired, fresh-faced 26-year-old was handing out postcards in support of condoms.

‘The Pope does not get it,’ he told me, ‘but I do and I am the future.'”

Nigella Lawson’s Diary

9 August 2005

visits to PooterGeek: 12—v. good / silent phonecalls to D: 50—poor [caught out once and pretend to be Indian call centre operative; not v. convincing I fear]

How much longer can I go on living this lie? To the world I am their Domestic Goddess. To Charles I am his true love, his wife. To my children I am their doting mother. But I know in my heart that I am a wretched and broken thing without him. To think that we have never even met.

10 August 2005

time spent surfing Web for pictures of D: 1 hour—v. good / silent phonecalls: 7—excellent [got away with yesterday: before I hang up he always says, “Mum? Are the batteries going in the telephone base station again?”]

Another bad review for the new show. I just can’t bring myself to commit to it. If only D had a TV and I knew he was watching. Propose to producer that we liven things up with an OB from a Cambridge college. She is not impressed. Perhaps we can do a bioinformatics special edition?

11 August 2005

visits to PooterGeek: 28—quite good / silent phonecalls: 34—not good [he is out all day; hope he wasn’t with that little minx who helps him to choose his trousers]

Children complain about Fine Young Cannibals album on auto-repeat. Tell them I am reliving my youth. Decide to invent male online persona and engage D in vigorous debate at PooterGeek. Anything is better than this endless emptiness.

12 August 2005

visits to PooterGeek: 250—v. v. bad / silent phonecalls to D: 6—good [too busy on Internet]

D hasn’t written about me for so long. Charles, however, looks better for the tanning sessions I bought him, but again refuses to shave his head.

13 August 2005

visits to PooterGeek: 2—v. good / silent phonecalls to D: 0—v. v. good

What have I done? What have I done?! Get Siobhan from make-up and Gary from costume to disguise me as bag lady. Tell them it’s for a Christmas special. Take Cambridge Cruiser and station myself at nearest cashpoint to his flat. Have to pay existing pitch-holder twenty pounds! Wait all day. Eventually D appears! He is bigger in real life. Ask him for money. It takes three attempts before he hears me over his muttering to himself, but even his eye twitch is sexy. He speaks to me, apologises and says he has no cash, but offers me his collection of Subway sandwich tokens. I politely decline. Ten yards down the street, when it’s all I can do not to howl in despair, he turns back to me! Then he asks, “Has anyone ever told you you look a bit like Dawn French?”

Zen And The Art Of Restaurant Management

There are about fifty seats at the greasy spoon at which I, ahem, partake of brunch of a Saturday morning. When I am there I always dine in the No Smoking Area. This consists in its entirety of my two-seat corner table, the only one with a “No Smoking” sign on it.


I watched The Interpreter on DVD the other evening. It was disappointing like going to the London theatre: excellent actors and highly accomplished technicians bringing to life a script that fancies itself intelligent and deep, but is daft and glib. One of the stars, Nicole Kidman, is currently plugging what is apparently another poor career choice. In The Interpreter she at least makes a deeply annoying character pleasing to look at and listen to, fresh as she must be in each scene from her talented stylist and her Meryl Streep School Of Accents voice coach. By contrast, Sean Penn’s dye job is disturbing, especially as it seems to reflect normally hidden wavelengths of light into the visible spectrum. In one scene in a park outside the UN its emissions must surely have triggered some kind of security alert.

Dinosaurs Disturbed By Sight Of Young Female Tree Shrews Laying Down Mammary Fat

When I was in my mid teens, one of my sister’s (underage) friends snuck into my bedroom and saw me jerking off. Years later, when visiting from Oxford, I was approached in the street by two girls I didn’t recognize. They asked me if I was The One Who Masturbated. Yes, PooterGeekers, I am possibly still known as The Only Wanker In The Village Of Wilnecote. After this kind of thing, and my being paid in my early twenties (when I like to think I was rather pretty) for walking in and out of a sexual diseases clinic with a middle-aged professor who looked like Elton John, and my working in an institute where many colleagues knew me by a nickname inspired by an ex’s drunken reminiscing about my genitals, what is there left for me to be embarrassed about? It’s mainly because most Brits find the whole question of sex excruciatingly difficult to deal with that telling tales from my collection of related anecdotes is so much fun.

The practical consequences of Brits’ squeamishness and irrationality about their sexuality are, however, not fun. They are bloody depressing. We live in a country where the natives have to get drunk to the point of dyspraxia to initiate sexual contact (what a helpful state to be in if you want to avoid coercion, unwanted pregnancy, and disease!), where you can be arrested for walking around with no clothes on, but where the law protects your right to ritually mutilate your infant son’s penis before he is old enough to consent. In the UK, people’s moral reasoning about sexual matters, just like their moral reasoning about foreign policy, is characterized by vast ignorance, misdirected suspicion, and sheer fucking stupidity. It has little to do with actual consequences in the world, but a great deal to do with perceptions in minds. Trust me, you don’t know the British until you’ve heard some of their Pythonesque explanations to health care workers for their pathological sexual behaviour.

It seems unfair on Harry, following his well-intentioned post about my short Playboy essay, but I want to take advantage of some of the nasty stuff offered in his support in the comments at Harry’s Place to expand and clarify my argument. Perhaps this is even more unfair when Harry is honest enough to admit himself that he has some undesirable endorsees:

“I’m in agreement with the Stalinist Zin and the Tory Peter Cuthbertson.

I must be guilty of some crime?

Posted by Harry at August 17, 2005 05:35 PM”

Trouble is, Harry wouldn’t let it lie, so I think it’s important to what I have to say next for us to wade through the sweaty stench emanating from his fan club, even though they lost the argument pretty comprehensively over there anyway without any intervention from me. (This might explain the second extended post Harry made.)

Let’s begin with “Zin” and his non-argument:

“Pushing porno brands on underage school kids is an example of the free market unrestrained by public control. It’s obviously wrong and this product should be withdrawn immediately.

Posted by Zin at August 17, 2005 12:24 PM”

Thanks, Zin, for illustrating beautifully the contention of my original second paragraph. Pencil cases with Playboy logos are self-evidently evil and any further discussion is redundant, obviously. So, if you are reading this (or you ever read any of what I wrote), you can stop here.

Now here comes Tory Boy Peter Cuthbertson, waving the old double standard like a Union flag:

“Good post, Harry, but I don’t agree with the idea that this is about girls projecting confidence that might intimidate.

Let’s drop the polite metaphors. By “sexual confidence” what the author really means is “making themselves look easy“. Why would any man find that intimidating? It’s the very antithesis of the unsubservient, self-respecting attitude.

I do agree with Jarndyce’s thinking. I try not to buy from Boots now unless I have to, since they started distributing abortifacient contraceptives to young girls over the counter, no questions asked, and I may make a point of avoiding WHSmith for the forseeable future.

Posted by Peter at August 17, 2005 01:08 PM”

Priceless. We wouldn’t want little girls to look “easy”, would we? They can dress up as fairy princesses, hoping to find a rich and handsome prince, but we can’t have our daughters looking like slags, eh?

“Bobble-hatted Boffin” has an equally healthy way of assessing female worth, but is a little more dismissive than Peter of the threat posed by bunny-branded goods: after all it’s only the ugly birds that dress up like that isn’t it?

“It’s always amusing how behaviour that in a male would be ridiculed or thought strange is regarded as ’empowered’ in a woman or girl.
I once worked with a bloke who wore a Playboy ring. He immediately came across as a sad case who has probably never been laid.
It’s like teenage girls who walk around in T-shirts with words such as ‘sexy’ on them. You’ll notice the genuinely good-looking ones have no need for such tacky and desperate garments.

Posted by Bobble-hatted boffin at August 17, 2005 03:02 PM”

(This point is so penetrating that Bhb has submitted it twice to the discussion.)

Peter then makes a reappearance (possibly in my support) with what he fancies as a bit of “sociobiology”, but I won’t bore you with the pseudoscience. Instead you can enjoy his assertion that only well-bred girls can resist seduction by porn kings:

“Jackie’s right that bright and wealthy parents are often capable of bringing up children so well they behave responsibly even after they visit a pornographer’s house [that’s not what Jackie wrote at all, by the way]. But I just don’t think it follows from this that society should be like an obstacle course that is going to catch out as many children as possible whose parents don’t fit into this category. To paraphrase Zell Miller: we can’t all be born rich, handsome and lucky, and that’s why we need some standards which shops like WHSmith should meet.

Posted by Peter at August 17, 2005 05:27 PM”

It’s not so much the sexism this time, more the unselfconscious snobbery of it that boggles. It was randy old colonels day at Harry’s Place.

Finally though, I do have to quote someone with a woman’s name in “support” of Harry:

“Most of the people commenting here obviously don’t really give a toss about this and are reduced to commenting on the daughter of a friend, have never wondered which fourteen year old of their daughter’s acquaintance will get pregnant next, wondered if the clients of the prostitute dressed as schoolgirl standing in front of them in the corner shop queue opposite their kids’ school also fancy the pupils of the school etc etc. I love Damian’s blog but one day he will cringe at the thought of this.

Posted by mrs s at August 18, 2005 02:29 AM”

The implication here seems to be that there is some connection between girls buying Playboy-branded merchandise and teenage pregnancy and paedophilia. I’m going to mention teenage sex later, but the latter connection parallels delightfully the rapist’s “she was asking for it” argument. With so many old sexist lies being given a fresh airing that classic had to make an appearance eventually. Whodathunkit? A Left-wing website publishing chauvinist crap?

Let me make it clear: I don’t think it is something to celebrate that children are buying into a soft porn empire, but I don’t think it’s worth this media gibbering and handwringing (and two successive posts at Harry’s Place) either. It especially disturbs me that the people the original Guardian article holds up as fighting against the advance of the Playboy brand are part of a tradition that has subjugated women and twisted their sexuality in cruel and destructive ways for centuries.

I made the comparison with mainstream women’s magazines in my original post because no one seems to get het up about little girls going around in T-shirts with “Cosmopolitan” or “Elle” across the front of them, even though, as I argue, the content of the magazines they promote is far more damaging to women than the content of Playboy.

Playboy itself is not, as Harry puts it, “arriving in British schools” precisely because it is still illegal to sell it to minors. Playboy owns a brand with “adult” associations like many others coveted by children. When I was at school they used to sell sugar cigarettes in the corner shop. Thankfully they don’t any more, but I’m sure many adults now look back on that sort of thing with an indulgent nostalgia, even though, as I’ve pointed out in PooterGeek’s comments already, smoking kills people and soft porn does not.

And there is the nub of the matter. Playboy is cheesy, dated, and probably already uncool on the playground, but it is fundamentally harmless. So the best arguments that Harry and co can come up with are “the bunny means porn and porn is bad so bunnies for girls are bad” and “I don’t see why I should be forced to explain porn to my children”. These are so feeble that they have to resort to comparing the Playboy logo with the swastika, Playboy with Al-Qaeda snuff videos, and demand that Jackie D admit she wants to legalize heroin—as if that had anything to do with the price of cheese. You don’t have to be a libertarian to view this hysteria with suspicion. It’s Gitmo=Gulag all over again.

Often the real reason for such reactions is the equivalent of the “yuck factor” in questions of bioethics. People reach “moral” conclusions for aesthetic reasons. They don’t object to the Playboy logo appearing on children’s products because of any substantive damage that might follow from it, but because it makes them feel yucky.

Let me just repeat the central truth for the hard of thinking.

Soft porn does not kill people.

Masturbation does not make you go blind. (Well, not for very long.) Looking at naked cheesecake does not turn men into rapists. Paying aspiring “actresses” six-figure sums to drape their tanned flesh across dodgy 70s interiors does not oppress women. Hugh Hefner is not the anti-Christ. And Playboy is a thousand times more pro-women’s emancipation than the vast majority of the “appropriate” reading material that parents have been happy to put in front of their children over the past 30 years.

Let’s look at real harm. In my first post I wanted to make a comparison between the things we are supposed to fear children being exposed to and the things we are supposed to be comfortable with them being exposed to. It disgusts me, for example, that we still raise little girls on stories of sleeping princesses in high towers. Tosh like that has done and will continue to do far more harm to women than a bunny logo on a pencil case. I’m not saying that bunny-pencilcase-owning girls see themselves as the next Playboy Playmate™, but what kind of self-image is most likely to lead an underage girl to have unsafe sex she doesn’t want with her pushy (usually overage) boyfriend: the fairytale vision that no princess can be awakened from passivity without the kiss of a prince, that she isn’t complete without a man? Or the belief that she is an untouchable babe? Playboy models (and pole-dancers for that matter) are literally untouchable, unavailable, and make a very good living indeed without being obliged to have sex with anyone.

When media commentators expressed their outrage at Britney Spears getting to number one in the singles chart by dressing up as a soft porn schoolgirl and inviting her boyfriend to hit her one more time she was legal; she was a virgin—as were the vast majority of the girls on playgrounds across the Western world imitating her. Often the reason adult males find those kinds of “gyrations” disturbing (like at least one commenter at Harry’s Place does) isn’t because they are afraid that they might lead to the little girls wanting to have sex before they are ready, it’s because they’re afraid they’ll lead to men wanting to have sex with the girls. It’s understandable that this view is widespread since it is aligned with religious and political “thinking” that has been used to crush women and girls over the last two millennia. Come to think of it, there’s something distasteful about the idea of underage girls having functioning clitorides as well. And little boys having sensitive foreskins. I wonder what we can do about that…

It isn’t soft porn-branded merchandise that puts underage girls in abortion and GU clinics; it’s usually booze and hormones and peer pressure and older males who know exactly what kind of fluffy romantic guff we fill girls heads with and exploit it to get exactly what they want from them. Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? was written forty-five years ago by a 19-year-old woman and an older man. Most girls who admit to losing their virginity under the legal age report regret. Some don’t. Often minors have sex because they are curious and horny. A large minority suffer no lasting ill effects. Scary isn’t it, boys?

Girls turn into women. Women have sex. This transition does not take place overnight. Many men want to have sex with young women. Many men find it difficult to reconcile these ancient facts. As a result, issues that combine sex and little girls shut off higher brain activity in such males and they resort to reasoning about them with a primitive ganglion somewhere in the reptilian part of their nervous systems. Luckily for me, I fancy adult females (and Brad Pitt in A River Runs Through It), and I don’t have a young daughter, so it’s a hell of a lot easier for me to be relaxed about all of this stuff, but even secretly fancying little girls would be no excuse for the sort of misogynistic drivel being written to justify a gut discomfort about a rabbit on a ring binder. Grow up, people, you’re embarrassing Harry. And it could be embarrassment, for the want of anything real to worry about, that is his original problem.

Walken For President

AYATOLLAH KHAMENEI is man-handled into his office. Waiting for him are four associates, standing: CONDOLEEZZA, RUMSFELD (an old Wise-guy), VICE-PRESIDENT SCHWARZENEGGER, and BRITISH PRIME MINISTER BOB HOSKINS (a fireplug pitbull type).


KHAMENEI is knocked to his knees. He looks up to see a smiling WALKEN. They pick him up and roughly drop him in a chair.

WALKEN: [to RUMSFELD] Tell Bob to go outside and do you-know-what.

KHAMENEI’s chair is moved closer to WALKEN’s. CONDOLEEZZA stands on one side of KHAMENEI. RUMSFELD and SCHWARZENEGGER ransack the room. CONDOLEZZA has a bottle of Chivas Regal in her hand, but she has yet to touch a drop.

WALKEN: Do you know who I am, Mr. Khamenei?

KHAMENEI: I give up. Who are you?

WALKEN: I’m the Great Satan. You get me in a vendetta kind of mood, you will tell the virgins in Paradise that you had never seen pure evil so singularly personified as you did in the face of the man who killed you. My name is Christopher Walken. I work as an agent of the Zionist Occupation Government, an arm of the global Jewish conspiracy you want to turn into a mushroom cloud. I hear you were once a religious policeman so I assume you’ve heard of us before. Am I correct?

KHAMENEI: I’ve heard of the Zionists.

WALKEN: I’m glad. Hopefully that will clear up the how-full-of-shit-I-am question you’ve been asking yourself. Now, we’re gonna have a little Q and A, and, at the risk of sounding redundant, please make your answers genuine. This ain’t the fucking European Union you’re talking to here.

[He takes out a pack of Chesterfields.]

Want a Chesterfield?


WALKEN: [as he lights up] I have some nukes of my own. Some of them I’ve had to give up. I can imagine how painful this must be for you. But you and that bitch-whore president of yours have brought this on yourselves. And I implore you not to go down the road to Armageddon. You can always take comfort in the fact that you never had a choice.

KHAMENEI: Look, I’d help you if I could, but I haven’t seen any “nukes”

Before KHAMENEI can finish his sentence, WALKEN slams him hard in the nose with his fist.

WALKEN: Smarts, don’t it? Gettin’ slammed in the nose fucks you all up. You got that pain shootin’ through your brain. Your eyes fill up with water. It ain’t any kind of fun. But what I have to offer you. That’s as good as it’s ever gonna get, and it won’t ever get that good again. We talked to your neighbour, Saddam. Remember him, and his sons, Huey and Dewey? They hadn’t seen any nukes. Hell, we never saw any nukes, but you ain’t seen your neighbour for some time, have you Mr Khamenei?

KHAMENEI is defeated.

The Corruption Of Innocent Girls By Permissive American “Culture” Continues

I don’t want to upset Harry any more than he is already, but I think people should be told about this godless decadence.

tweenie rock chicks The Pink 
Slips hit the stage

[click to enlarge]

It’s that animalistic Negro beat music, I tell ya. The next thing you know there’ll be blacks and whites lying down together in the same bed.

UPDATE: Seriously, I think this is one of the most beautiful photographs I have seen in months. Every time I look at it it makes me want to laugh out loud in joy at the possibilities of life in the free world. Yee-ha!

What do you think, Ruhollah?

Ayatollah Seyyed Ruhollah laughing boy Khomeini

Evangelical Scientist Refutes Gravity, Sequences Human Genome

“Things fall not because they are acted upon by some gravitational force, but because a higher intelligence, ‘God’ if you will, is pushing them down,” said Gabriel Burdett, who holds degrees in education, applied Scripture, and physics from Oral Roberts University.

The funny thing about this Onion story, is that the made-up fundamentalist “scientist” quoted is represented by a photograph of Nobel prizewinning genomics star Sir John Sulston. I’ve emailed the press officer at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. I think he (and John) will see the joke.

Bunny How Things Change

There’s a lost-innocence-of-our-children panic piece in the G2 section of yesterday’s Guardian. Rachel Bell asks “what’s going on?” that Playboy-branded stationery and other accessories are number one with little schoolgirls in Britain. The right sort of people are quoted telling us what to think, alongside someone from commerce telling us that the people he represents don’t think at all.

You can probably write the text for yourselves. Playboy is axiomatically evil: it contains pictures of naked women, it’s American, and it’s shamelessly consumerist. It’s full of boys’ toys and lust and ambition and other terrible capitalist vices. How could our sweet little girls treat its merchandise as just a bit of fun? You know the sort of thing: mirror-image Daily Mail—just as reactionary and conservative in its conclusions, but with pseudo-Left arguments instead of pseudo-Right ones.

I bet the author has never properly read the magazine. I used to. Don’t get me wrong: I bought it for the naked women rather than the articles, but the often superb writing was a huge bonus—like the cooking would be if you were married to Nigella Lawson. And if I had a young daughter I’d prefer that her attitude to sex was informed by Playboy than by some supposedly liberated women’s magazine like Cosmopolitan, which I also used to read. (Once upon a time I munched through glossy magazines like a paper recycling mill.)

In the editorial pages of Playboy, sex is something grown-ups do responsibly for fun. They set out to maximise their mutual pleasure and minimize the damage they could do to each other, emotional, physical or otherwise. To Cosmo, sex is still something women do to please men, to keep them around, to get things from them. At the height of HIV-fear I remember that, in Cosmo world, safe sex was something Cosmo girls practised until they “got to know him properly”—the subtext was that if he “committed” sufficiently she should “reward” him by letting him do it to her without a condom. (Heterosexual women are most likely to contract HIV from men they are in a committed relationship with.) The current issue of UK Cosmopolitan magazine boasts the front-page headlines “THE TEN THINGS THAT REALLY MAKE A MAN COMMIT” and “YOUR SECRET SEX WEAPON”.

The schoolgirls interviewed in the Guardian talk about the kudos they get from flaunting the Playboy logo. They feel glamorous. The author of the piece is horrified. I’m not. Most women’s magazines seem designed to make women feel inadequate and dull and ugly. Better that women should celebrate the power they have over men rather than worry that they have “cellulite” or the wrong kind of breasts for this season’s look.

On Radio One this morning, the irresistible Sara Cox read out a letter from a married mother who had been diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 30. She wrote about how, at one of the lowest emotional points in her treatment (which included a full mastectomy and reconstruction, plus courses of chemotherapy and radiotherapy), her friend Victoria had taken her to learn pole-dancing. She described it as the most exciting and exhilarating time in her life. She explained how “sexy and sassy” it made her feel. She asked for Coxy to play the Beyoncé track she and Victoria had learned to dance to and dedicated it to her friend. I bet they don’t read The Guardian.

The Guardian piece begins by describing approvingly a protest by 15-year-old schoolgirls outside a branch of WHSmith that sells Playboy stationery. The girls are from a Catholic convent school. As Norm would say, such is the state of progressive politics.

UPDATE: Wouldn’t it have been great to illustrate this post with a photo of them demonstrating and caption it “Catholic Convent Teens Stand Against Playboy”?

Multi-Dimensional Pleasure

I’m not just writing this because she was so nice about me yesterday in her Normblog profile, but Pashmina really is on a roll at The Grammatical Puss. Her Austen-pastiche preview of the latest adaptation of Pride And Prejudice is quite the most pleasing thing I have read all week. [Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet? I mean, please. How about Daniel Radcliffe as Mr D’arcy?]

The delight I took in her prose was all the greater for the accompaniment of the charming new single from Goldie Looking Chain, Your Missus Is A Nutter:

“Binge drinking, binge drinking tried to keep up with your missus,
What was I thinking? She looks like Caprice,
So it’s a fucking shock to see her wrestling two police,
With one in a headlock!
Fighting with bouncers and flashing her tits,
After too many sambucas she dont care who she hits,
Wake up on Sunday, with bruises and cuts,
Face it son, your girlfriend’s nuts!”

I wonder if GLC’s fans know that the joke’s on them?


I occasionally use a cheap-and-cheerful piece of computer music software called “FLStudio“. Its publishers changed the package’s name from “FruityLoops” a few years ago. Today was the first time I read the explanation for the name change given on the Website of Image-Line Software, the German company that produces FLStudio.

The company offers three reasons: the first is that there is a trademark dispute over the name in US territories between Image-Line and Kellogg’s; the third is that calling the program “Fruity Loops” implied misleadingly that it could only be used for loop manipulation; the second is, I think, rather unpleasant. I reproduce the text from the site as written [the page might be unavailable to those without a licence for the software]:

“‘Fruity’ means gay to a lot of (US based) users. Not that we have anything against gay people but we don’t want to miss out on the hip hop crowd so …”

WTF?! This isn’t just stupid; it somehow manages to patronise and insult both gays and hip hop fans. How about if they’d stopped calling it “JuicyLoops” and explained the change like this?:

“‘Juicy’ sounds like ‘Jewish’ to (US based) users. Not that we have anything against Jewish people but we don’t want to miss out on the Muslim crowd so …”

Not for nothing does the FLStudio logo resemble a knobhead.

Do You Work South Of The Border?

casualsavant sent me this amusing example of shonky pirate DVD translation, which you might have already seen. The same ‘Blog also reproduces this sign from a Mexican restaurant in China, which you might not have:

“Zapata’s Mexican Cantina does not sponsor prostitutes at our establishment. If you are a prostitute please refrain from entering our garden or restaurant. If you are unsure whether or not you are a prostitute, please ask one of your friendly security guards to sort it out for you.


Toff Of The Pops

James Delingpole has also noticed James Blunt’s pedigree and the resulting article is very entertaining indeed.

Another explanation is that dreamy, floppy, public schoolboy music – “bedwetter music” as Creation Records’ founder Alan McGee once cruelly put it – is very much in vogue at the moment, and has been for quite some time. It started with Radiohead (who met at Abingdon school) who in turn inspired Coldplay (Sherborne) who in turn prepared the ground for Keane, the well-spoken trio who take their name from a beloved tea lady at their public school, Tonbridge. And if you think it needs more than three to make a trend, how about Will Young (Wellington) and Dido (Westminster)?

Not, of course, that even now a private education is something many pop stars spend too much time boasting about in interviews. I remember once being begged by Groove Armada’s publicist not to bring up their public school background because it so damaged their credibility in the dance world. And it’s true that among the sneering tastemakers of the music press – many of them self-hating ex-public schoolboys, of course – a terrible form of inverted snobbery has long prevailed whereby a working-class background is considered to be the only true form of rock ‘n’ roll authenticity. The only rock star who has ever been forgiven for going to public school is the Pogues’ Shane MacGowan and only then because the thought of this snaggle-toothed Irish drunk attending Westminster seems so preposterously unlikely it counts as cool.

[via Tim Worstall]

Gone The Way Of Painting

“We have decided that the time is now right to take 35mm cameras out of the frame.”

Daddy, why aren’t your photographs flat and over-sharpened? Why are things naturally out of focus in the background instead of blurred later by Photoshop? Why do human beings look human and sunlight look warm? Why can you take pictures in the dark? Dad? Why?

The Millers at Auriols wedding

[click to enlarge]


official photographer at Auriols wedding

[click to enlarge]


Photographers at Jurg and Marines wedding

[click to enlarge]

Bombers Are People Too

Thank you for your superb contributions to the Bad Poetry Celebrity Deathmatch, both here and at Harry’s Place. Backword Dave suggested that we were questioning the artistry of the inspirational work of Harold Pinter and Michael Rosen because we disagreed with the poets’ politics. I don’t read his ‘Blog much any more, and when I do it makes less and less sense, but that has to take the biscuit. Off with his link! [BD will be round soon to say that this excommunication is nothing to do with his site descending into gobbledegook, of course; it’s because I disapprove of his politics.]

More than one correspondent has suggested that the poetical creations of the PooterGeek collective should be anthologised. This idea becomes more appealing the more I think about it. I’m tempted to set up a separate Website with fake biographies for each of the “poets”. It could be a complete luvvie parody with bad songs and bad art and everything. And any royalties from the “anthology” could be donated to a charity chosen specially to piss off showbiz narcissists. Suggestions for the beneficiaries and for a title are welcome. For the latter, I currently favour “LUV Not War“, where the letters L, U, and V stand respectively for: “Listen”, “Understand”, and “Versify”.

Until then, inspired by this comedy classic, I offer the following [with apologies to Allan Sherman]:

Camp Osama

Hello Mullah, hello Fatah, here I am at Camp Osama.
Camp is very indoctrinating,
But the virgins make it worth you graduating.

I went hiking with al-Zawahri
Saw Bin Laden’s old Ferrari
You remember 11 September?
Here they celebrate it each year with a party

All the jihadis hate the Ba’athists,
But they’re loved by the pseudo-Leftists.
And the big man won’t have free-thinking,
There’s no women and no music and no drinking

Now I don’t want this should scare ya’,
But they’ve maps of the London area
You remember the shoe bomber?
They’ve built a statue of a DM in his honour

Take me home, oh Mullah, Fatah
Take me home, I hate Osama
Don’t leave me outside Quetta
They’ll kill me with a Pred-ator

Take me home, I promise I will not make bombs,
Or fly planes with other boys,
Oh please don’t make me stay
I’ve been here one whole day

Dearest Fatah, Darling Mullah
How’s my precious Muslim Bruddah?
Let me come home if you miss me
I would even let Ken Livingstone kiss me

Wait a minute, marines are coming!
Our great leader’s off and running
He’s in a hijab on a Lambretta
Mullah, Fatah kindly disregard this letta’

The Tebbit Test

Cambridge Sony Shop. Saturday. Your host, Damian “Ebony’n’Ivory” Counsell, and a Sony employee of south Asian descent who’s darker than a sideboard are wincing at the fall of cheap England wickets in their second innings. Mr Sony even goes off on one about a particularly shoddy piece of umpiring in the Aussies’ favour. Meanwhile, all the white people are looking at MP3 players.

Nice Fisking, Shame About The Title

I think I’d have enjoyed this article rather more if it had been called “The Rhetoric of the Stupid“, rather than “The Rhetoric of the Left”, but you can’t have everything. No one who has any time for the views of a bunch of Jew-hating, wife-beating, Muslim-killing, gay-hanging, Koran-thumping mass-murderers is any kind of man of the Left, but then I’m biased by my weakness for logic.

[UPDATE: Title and link now fixed. Thanks, DK.]

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