Sunday Saturday. I am in the TV room at the gym with three other men, watching the tense final minutes of the England-New Zealand Rugby Union thriller. We are hunched forward in our comfy chairs. One bloke has been shouting elaborate instructions throughout. Now we are all shouting. A woman walks in behind us, fresh […]
Read MoreFriends
This Doesn’t Mean You’re Mozart, Matey Boy
Like Frank Sinatra entering a karaoke contest, my friend and co-conspirator Richard Brincklow recently decided to follow up being paid by people to compose music by going to university part-time to study for a degree in music composition. It turns out this week that the jammy bastard has been awarded a First. I suppose I […]
Read MoreYet Another Apology
As I’ve mentioned before, I won’t have Net access from home until the end of November and neither will I have a landline. I am now down to 20 minutes of talk time with Orange and they won’t let me upgrade (even temporarily) until the 19th. According to the advertised tariff, every minute I’m on […]
Read MoreGinga Update
Further to the ginge-rock question, my Oirish friend Cathal emailed to point us at this Red Pride site, where there are plenty of copper-topped celebs.
Read MoreInternational Playboy
This photo from my leaving do in Cambridge demonstrates the stunning improvement in my luck with the ladeez as a result of carefully spreading rumours about the size of my redundancy package: Jo, inventor of “Shouty Woman”, is on the left; Hot Wheels Helena is on the right. [click to enlarge]
Read MoreNot So Simply
UPDATE: Here’s a picture of Kate’s excellent hair (Freya in the foreground, Richard in the background): [click to enlarge] My friend and musical collaborator Richard and his missus Kate had me round for dinner the other evening and we got into a conversation about the recent Observer Music Monthly list of “larger-than-life” performers (i.e. fat […]
Read MoreBlanket Apology
For anyone who’s waiting for an email reply from me or even evidence that I am still alive, please accept my apologies and this ‘Blog post. I was unloading my belongings until 2:00 am this morning and have been sleeping on the floor for the past couple of days. I’ll be back to something like […]
Read More‘Women are spending too much time in sheds, and not everyone’s happy about it’
Further to this post, it’s time for a shed update from the Telegraph: The mystical covenant between men and sheds, an anchor of civilisation for centuries, appeared last week to be facing two dire threats to its existence; the advent of the £20,000 price tag, and an invasion by women. Twenty grand for a rickety […]
Read MorePublic Service Announcement
Jackie would like people to check out this appeal over at Science Blog.
Read MoreVirus Alert
One of my correspondents—quite possibly someone in Canada—has a dose of I-Worm/Mytob.HL. Please could you do something about it because I’m getting bored of the infected spam your machine is sending me. Thank you.
Read MoreWalk Like A Man
Meanwhile, Leasey does her best to keep me from making potentially embarrassing fashion errors. From next month, however, I will be living in Brighton and, if Manolo’s Shoe Blog is anything to go by, preventing me from buying into the Spring 2006 menswear season will be her biggest challenge yet.
Read MoreLovely Bloggers
I’m just back from Brighton where I had nothing to do with the Labour Party conference, but after some genuinely interesting and productive meetings (I didn’t say that often when I had a proper job), I had drinks and dinner with some delightful ‘Bloggers. Skuds has a report and a photo—the latter taken just as […]
Read MoreAtten-shun!
Hot Wheels emailed me yesterday, asking if I had been getting enough sleep lately because she had seen a couple of typos in recent PooterGeek posts. It is true that I’ve been sleeping erratically—bloody Autumn—but it’s also true that Hot Wheels has been critically reading The Boy’s thesis for weeks. She is probably at the […]
Read MoreWandering The Web
I spent the final three days of last week in a grant-writing binge: tapping at my keyboards in the early hours, making phone calls to Brighton, wading through artspeak, eating dodgy fast-food. Over the weekend I had a chance to perambulate properly in cyberspace. By following the ‘Blog aggregator of a friend I found an […]
Read MoreWLTM Complete Failure For Friendship, Long Walks
Just had that Hind on the phone. I did my listening thing while she relived a Very Important Exam In Doctoring with me because she’s worried she might have blown it. Hind, you haven’t. I know this because, as a medical school drop-out, I am an expert. Then she asked me about my life and, […]
Read MoreDanickian Superwoman
Jackie Danicki has been on a roll lately. Her last two posts about women and life—“Truman Capote and the rewards of the mundane and unexpected” and “The real meaning of ‘equality’, and why most feminists are anything but ‘pro-choice’“—have been gems. A lot of female newspaper columnists follow the “Polly Filler” template of complaining for […]
Read MoreBack Again
Thin ‘Blogging this week too because I’ve been staying in Brighton with the Brincklows again. It was fun and productive and I’ve just got back. I wish I could tell you where I am hoping to live because it is so comprehensively, amusingly PooterGeek. Ah, the things I can’t ‘Blog…
Read MoreGSOH
[Before you read the article I link to below, those of you not up with geeky three letter acronyms need to know that “IRC” stands for “Internet Relay Chat”, which is like Microsoft Messenger for the sort of people who build their own PCs.] Related to the “people you wish you didn’t fancy” thread (which […]
Read MoreThe Loneliness Of The Long-Distance ‘Blogger
Late this morning: I’m out for a run when I overtake Leasey and companion as they stroll past one of the haunts of Cambridge’s surreal inner-city cow population. I pause long enough in my exertions for Leasey to give me a hug and tell me that she needs to take me shopping for some new […]
Read MoreHer Indoors
Sorry about the thin posting at PooterGeek lately. The crossed keyboards and trousers rampant are flying again over PooterGeek Towers because I am now back in residence, having spent a few days scouting around Brighton for a new place to live, meeting up with collaborators on my next big thing, music making, and generally socialising […]
Read More“Poo” By Name
I am told by PooterGeekers, including the currently-one-armed Hot Wheels Helena, that they come here by typing “poo” into their Web browsers and letting auto-complete do the rest. Be careful that the rest of the URL is filled in before you hit “Return” or, like Hot Wheels, you are likely to find yourself at the […]
Read MoreLuvverly Links
Since I last mentioned her work Gloria Salt has moved to a new home at her own domain. Thanks to the alphabet she goes almost to the top of the PooterGeek ‘Blogroll. The new banner for her ‘Blog “Apropos Of Nothing” carries a nice big photo of her face too, which could quite reasonably be […]
Read MoreWhat A Way To Treat An Audience
Thank you for your kind messages of support! Declaring my intentions to the World will, I hope, reduce the likelihood that I spend my new-found riches on Colombian nose powder and dancing girls. Now I must warn you that later today things will probably get a bit strange around here later as I upgrade and […]
Read MoreWhat Damian Did Next
Some weeks ago I promised you, dear PooterGeekers, that I would be telling you what I planned to do with my life now that the Medical Research Council no longer has need of my services. Those of you who come here for the trouser jokes can stop reading now. The rest of you might be […]
Read MoreBrooke Brothers
The estimable Michael Brooke is back with a thorough review of Boris Gudunov at Covent Garden. You’ve got admire a man who can criticise a production of an opera for containing a ludicrous theatrical image. Meanwhile, the other ‘Blogging Brooke is kittenblogging, God help him. [click to enlarge] And just to complete the set: [click […]
Read MoreAll-Purpose Apology
Lately I have promised various people various things, including a hugely superfluous full-length post on PooterGeek about the recent British bombings. I must apologise to those I have so far disappointed. Tony Blair in particular keeps phoning me, hoping that I will be able to provide him with some choice phrases. Sorry, Tone. I have […]
Read MoreOn My Little List
James Hamilton and the pugnacious parrots join the ‘Blogroll. Also, via Bloggers4Labour, I came across this guy, who describes his ‘Blog in the least promising way possible, and supports Villa’s former rivals in Premiership mid-table mediocrity and poor colour-coordination, but he writes one or two interesting things.
Read MorePopping Up Briefly
Just to say thank you to all the people who’ve added nice things to the comments here since I last thanked everyone for doing the same (bonus points for David Duff’s contribution). Thanks also to everyone who’s been complimentary on other ‘Blogs and linked here mourning PooterGeek’s passing, especially George, Norm, and Marcus who have […]
Read MoreBeardy-Weirdies
Reading that thing on The Guardian site about Roman soldiers wearing socks and open-toed sandals, I was reminded that this week is the Cambridge Beer Festival. To enjoy the whole event cheaply, two of my happily hetero female friends in town used to pretend to be a couple (for discount Campaign for Real Ale membership) […]
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