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Top Tip For ‘Bloggers

For example, if your ‘Blog is at then type The minus prefix to the word “site” is essential, because this excludes links into your ‘Blog that come from…

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Disappointed Customers

Holy Moly. Two amazing searches brought punters to yesterday evening. Perverts first. Someone was looking for “pictures of English women shitting” via Fortunately this site is only referenced…

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Join The Revolution

…version of Kubuntu, a variant of the free-as-in-“free speech” as well free-as-in-“free beer” Ubuntu. All the remote machines that host my own Websites and those I have built for clients…

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Free Shoot

If you are having a reasonably smart and public evening party/reception/dinner in the near future and would like it to be captured on film, gratis, then contact me. I want…

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…you’ve never heard it before! Totally FREE full song downloads. Having listened to it [MP3, 3.3 Mb], I’d say the description is accurate. Share this: Facebook Twitter Email Reddit…

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Shouty Men

…ways these blogs are to dead tree journalism like early steam locomotives used to be to stationary engines: almost as loud and smelly, but now they run on a network….

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…of incorrectly labelled images, and less than one page of correctly labelled images.) The photo in question is long gone from, but still the hordes come. I have recently…

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Moan Moan Moan

Everything around here was down again last night and this morning: no PooterGeek, no, no, no email, no nuffink. Apologies to people who might have been trying to…

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…or isn’t worthy of comment. You’ll find all the definitions you need here and a guide to the myriad examples of faulty reasoning you have illustrated with your comments here….

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Lost Appeal

…governments. The individual conscience is free to accept such dictated law; but the State, if its people are to be free, has the burdensome duty of thinking for itself. Would…

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…the cover of the brochure is the following offer: “FREE! Get this Microwave FREE with every 4 or more packs of Large Core Sellotape you buy FREE!” Large Core Sellotape…

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Usage And Abusage

…know that the green Rizla papers with the corners cut off are for blind smokers? blank CD-Rs—“Obtain the permission of the copyright holder…” phallic vibrating neck massagers—“For those difficult to…

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Boo Hoo

Never mind testing children for the use of recreational drugs. How about testing them for the use of recreational grief? “Ooh evil BushHitler is going to kill all the little…

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Apt that my first official Web log entry should combine April Foolery, geekiness and Google, God’s own search engine. Check out their extraordinary pigeonrank technology. Talking of April Fool’s day……

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…water pump in the engine of my car, and a stinking cold—thank you, Maisie and Sam, you cute little bundles of virions. Naturally I took the opportunity of watching your…

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…isn’t the best story but I found it amusing. here’s the link: ArcticLady (9/23/05 7:30 am) Reply humph… I don’t know the owner of the weblog, but he doesn’t…

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Machine Logic

What happens when inflation on goods goes negative and inflation on services stays positive? You get a free computer for signing up with a mobile phone network. Share this: Facebook…

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The End Times

You might have guessed from the thinness of posting here that I am busy at the moment, but the Anonymous Economist recommends this (non-free) editorial from the New York Times….

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Maggie Out

…Party (The Lady’s Not For Spurning) that I downloaded from the BBC’s excellent iPlayer site. I put it off for so long because I was busy. I was able to…

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Unknown Talent

…of bed about nine to entertain myself by surfing the Web for some free music to download. There’s a site where people using a particular piece of music-making software share…

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Putting It Down

…one of my posts yesterday, a compulsive objector, Daniel Davies, accidentally said something illuminating. He claimed to have used the word “pooterish” in his criticism of the document. The comic…

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Going Down

for the week ending 27Oct03 Manchester United—displaced as most popular football team search by Arsenal and Real Madrid Britney Spears—from most popular search on the Web to nowhere in a…

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40% Gay; 100% Normal

…things like that.” Andrew Sullivan‘ll be livid [when his Website comes back up]. [*Wrong on all three counts—now that‘s search technology at its finest.] Share this: Facebook Twitter Email Reddit…

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Too Interesting

You can Enhance Your Browsing Experience by installing something called the Google toolbar into your copy of Netscape, Mozilla or [spit!] Internet Explorer. As well has providing a built-in search

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Homophonic Assault

for making tubes to clients worldwide, has seen its site knocked off line by millions of online searchers looking for video site. “It’s killing us,” said Ralph Girkins, president…

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…meantime I cannot be emailed yet at any of my or addresses. Please try again this afternoon. UPDATE: EMAIL IS BACK UP. Share this: Facebook Twitter Email Reddit…

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Marvel at this unintentionally revealing Guardian story about the lengths middle-class parents go to to get their children into church schools. It opens with a Jewish mother admitting that she…

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…a Google search, downloaded, compiled and installed the truly magical gpart and Robert was indeed my father’s brother. For this I paid exactly nothing. Free software: worth more than software…

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How iRoll

Some time back, I raved about the freedom my fat, ugly iRiver gives me compared to an iPod. Now you can make your iRiver free-er or liberate your Apple MP3…

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“Let Them Eat Smoke!”

and elsewhere, talk of “depriving” smokers of a “freedom” is morally obtuse. When it comes to protecting the disadvantaged from the effects of inequality, superficially “illiberal” evidence-based public health programmes…

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In a cunning flanking move, The Guardian responds to my post yesterday by publishing a letter from my Old Labour dad today. How can I sustain my free-thinking, post-Thatcherite, Left…

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Flocking Hell

and “negative”) to protect what they believe to be the most important freedom of all, namely the freedom not to have to compete with talented and hardworking people. History shows…

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Dive Dive Dive

…practice, practice, practice (of which more later). And the program comes with so much other free stuff—almost all of which I can actually find a use for: effects, instruments, samples,…

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Tour de Force

…Cambridge for free. What a revelation! Sonya and I joined the throng outside the Guildhall yesterday evening and (after some shockingly un-English touchy-feely stuff so everyone could get to know…

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Citizen Ghale

…racism by ordering schools to teach British values”. Apparently Alan Johnson, the Education Secretary, had described the “values we hold very dear in Britain” as “free speech, tolerance, respect for

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…left alone to tend the fields they have cultivated since the dawn of time. They had 9/11 coming to them, the bastards. Most people who express sympathy for “militants” have…

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The Temptations

Tom Hamilton complains about being spammed by Naomi Klein’s people, looking for publicity for her latest volume of designer politics. (Exactly as I didn’t with Peter Cook’s book back here,…

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Mistaken Identity

Tom Doran on why capitalism—I think he means free enterprise—has liberated working-class women: When the average voter looks at Tesco, they do not see a sinister corporate megalith, raping and

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Best Of

…It’s Bloody Safe 14Sep06 PooterGeek goes to the dentist’s. How Free Markets For Talent Work, An Explanation For Talentless Market Freeloaders 30Aug06 There is no shortage of scientists in the…

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Gissa Job!

…expenses and I’ll throw in forty 6×4 prints, and a CD of medium-resolution scans of the negatives for free. A man can scarcely afford to eat at this kind of…

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This afternoon, I walked through my door and picked up this week’s local free newspaper, The Brighton and Hove Leader. Amongst the insert spam included today was a glossy advert…

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Coming Out

…beer, loudly point out relatives’ character flaws at family gatherings, and complain effectively in shops in order to obtain a better standard of service. Share this: Facebook Twitter Email Reddit…

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Secular Argument

…of excrement onto the vast whirring turbine blades of a Concorde jet engine. (Don’t forget to check out the Beeb’s unfortunate misspelling of “discreet”.) Share this: Facebook Twitter Email Reddit…

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Four-Wheel Driven

…fake-apology wave out of the driver’s side window in the vague direction of the spasming victim. The MoFo renders even that gesture completely superfluous. The MoFo comes complete with its…

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Crash Team

…there tends to be a common thread to these horror stories: ministers know nothing about IT and civil servants know nothing about IT and the people selling them IT know…

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The Web

[cliché]As the year draws to a close[/cliché], I’d like to thank the global network of PooterGeek operatives who make this site the nerve centre of international happenings that it is,…

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While I’m on the subject of ideologues ignoring facts, this thread over at the Website of the obnoxious Local Schools Network is both informative and entertaining, unlike the article that…

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Harsh But Fair

obtained of massive UK and US mainstream media lying over Iraq. The startling NEW evidence has not come per se from the research of brilliant humanist writers such as John…

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…suggestion of a summer student—so that when people searched for my name on the Web they would find biomedical publications to download rather than movie parodies. Despite this careful splitting…

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Saint George

…in peaceful discussions between the various interested local parties over the future of Iraq? They’re grown-ups; I’m sure they can come to some kind of amicable arrangment… Anyway, if you…

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Dipole Moment

Bloke with blog says more interesting things in one post about pressure group Compass than you would find in all of their Chair Neal Lawson’s newspaper articles to date combined….

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Lefties Sell Out

…reading, listening to, and talking with others on the Left whom I disagree with profoundly about matters of life and death—and doing so in a healthy, comradely, and civilized atmosphere….

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Imperial Larder

…[the journal’s Website is currently overloaded again so you’ll have to be patient if you want to download the PDF of the original paper]. Share this: Facebook Twitter Email Reddit…

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Wakka Wakka

…Drug Lord’s daughter’s birthday party. Get Quicktime, download the video, watch and enjoy. Alternatively, you can read an article about the current rash of 70s detective series revivals. Share this:…

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…Springer – The Opera on BBC Two on Saturday, despite the objections of protesters. At least 45,000 people had contacted the BBC to complain about swearing and religious themes in…

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Love Over Gold

…Sony boombox that I won when I was thirteen in a competition to come up with a new advertising slogan for Pot Noodle™. Dire Straits’ fourth, and possibly second best,…

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and the PKK. Immediately after the recent atrocity in Turkey Claire memorably asked in an email, “What do you promise [a Marxist-Leninist suicide bomber]? 72 collective farms in Paradise?” One…

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…yet tried this modern telecommunications marvel is: don’t leave it on in “Skype Me” mode with your profile showing or you will immediately be contacted by Central European females who…

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Protect And Survive

…street to a designated assembly point and raise aloft a banner carrying the words “BUSH=HITLER”. Media outlets will send help immediately. [Requirements: transistor radio] Otherwise stay indoors and listen to…

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Oliver Kamm’s latest post about Paul Foot is stonking. One sign of Kamm’s return to (literally) forensic form is the proprietor’s reponse to the “suicide commenting” from Chris Lightfoot that…

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…much laughter You use them as the basis for a series of anthropomorphic cartoon characters called “Jokémon” and market them worldwide GERMAN JOKISM: You have two jokes You re-engineer them…

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Fatuous Bint

…I channel the spirit of Dr Rice, a woman rarely deflected from her goal—be it completing a set of core-strengthening reps or convincing a populace that invading a country less…

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Yo Ho Ho

…reality TV show? [Actually, no. He’s dead. See comments.] Please, God, no (if only because this will mean his missus will wind up judging some godawful “talent” contest in which…

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…elevated level of 50-plus an hour. Why? Because this site has just entered the top ten on Arabic Google for the search term “boobs“. Share this: Facebook Twitter Email Reddit…

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Very Scary Indeed

…because this post is number four match on Yahoo search for “Bigley decapitation“. A nervous hello to all my new readers—including the eloquent “Ben”. Share this: Facebook Twitter Email Reddit…

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The Last Stand?

…This isn’t a soliloquy, you know. I’ve come to kick some luvvie arse and it’s your surprisingly-toned-for-their-age buttocks I intend to apply my built-up supervillain boots to. A motorized wheelchair…

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Growing Up

…his contemporaries called socialism. (It’s funny, but I can think of few people who would agree with my belief that communism isn’t socialism—outside the early communists. This also explains in…

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Despite my never having posted anything tackling this crucial question, I am top hit on Yahoo search for “how to look cool when going bald”. Share this: Facebook Twitter Email…

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Oi, Dave, No!

…(on which we do research and mobilize our international membership to act) is to work for the release of prisoners of conscience (those imprisoned because of their race, gender, religion,…

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Not Gay Trousers

Heaven knows why he chose me, but I have been asked by its proprietor to direct some PooterGeek Google karma in the direction of this “queer shirts’n’gifts” site:, a…

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Are You Spanking Who We’re Spanking?

My current guilty pleasure is Highlights of the site include their “Sleazy Lover” match-the-Tory-to-the-scandal competition—answers: Cecil Parkinson—Abandoning an illegitimate child John Major—Adultery Harvey Proctor—Spanking rent boys Ian Harvey—Cavorting with…

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I couldn’t access PooterGeek, etc. last night or this morning, and neither could a bunch of other people, I suspect—no email access either. There are about half-a-dozen things I…

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Spring Clean

If you have a moment, hop over to where I’ve tarted up my photo gallery front page and added more captions to the photos themselves. Please let me know…

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Jonathan Derbyshire

I’ve converted the archives of Jonathan Derbyshire’s old Typepad blog and built a new WordPress site for him at Update your bookmarks and blogrolls accordingly. (You can email him…

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…me via my professional site, Yes, I will travel to your country club in Westchester County to record your New York Times-featured, Cecil B DeMille-scale engagement party on film. Share this:…

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Let Me Count the Ways

…filled with an ocean of (no doubt computer-generated) sails. My companion: “That’s a lot of ships.” My reply: “Yes, a thousand.” My companion: “Huh?” Share this: Facebook Twitter Email Reddit…

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…“Wife’sGone.Com“, whose general message seems to be: “Okay, so you don’t have a missus any more, but at least you can afford to buy some boys’ toys (oh yeah, and

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Snapped Up

…the ‘roll over the next couple of weeks. Send your bribe pledge to [this ‘Blog’s name] at and I’ll see what I can do for you. Share this: Facebook…

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Young Minds

…have used computers for years you are not afraid to try things. Many adults are very afraid of computers. Kids simply explore and enjoy them. I think Gen X’ers get…

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“Poo” By Name

I am told by PooterGeekers, including the currently-one-armed Hot Wheels Helena, that they come here by typing “poo” into their Web browsers and letting auto-complete do the rest. Be careful…

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We interrupt this programme to bring a personal message for Claire Berlinski. You very kindly sent me an email when you stumbled on, but I can’t reply to it….

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Lesson One

When I tore open the plastic envelope containing my latest copy of The Economist there was a flyer inside advertising Felix Dennis‘s How To Get Rich: The Distilled Wisdom Of…

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I’ve met and had a couple of interesting conversations with the Director of the Oxford Internet Institute so I’m sure he’s sharp enough to appreciate the irony of his compiling…

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Ethnic Aesthetics

…respectively to characteristics of humans’ own groups and to those of neighbouring groups—just as when we learn to communicate verbally we refine our ability to identify particular combinations of sounds….

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Tally Ho!

Also from Slashdot I note that the planned advertisements for the superb open source Firefox Web browser have appeared. The ads depict the Firefox logo, a giant fox encircling the…

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Rugged Defiance

…that is. Muhaha. Muhaha-ha-ha-ha. Muhaha-ha-ha-ha-ha Hah-ha-ha-ha! Igor! The time has come to reveal our other celebrity guest and open the tank! [A tarpaulin falls from above to expose CALISTA FLOCKHART…

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Gravy / Train

Last week I travelled oop North to Wigan—TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY ONE OF OUR POUNDS STERLING for a Standard Open Return on a smart, modern, and nausea-inducing Virgin Pendolino. There,…

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Reading that thing on The Guardian site about Roman soldiers wearing socks and open-toed sandals, I was reminded that this week is the Cambridge Beer Festival. To enjoy the whole…

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Holy Shit

…They’re obviously Church of England. This is the bit that should scare audiences though: Brighton goes Gospel is a non-religious choir, open to all irrespective of race, religion or ability….

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Charred Teddy Bears

…cultivated. Large segments of the population lived outside cities, and warfare typically occurred in flat, open terrain. Such battlefields–the stomping grounds of warriors from Sun Tzu to Napoleon–are becoming scarcer…

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La Nausée

…pay £4 for a cold sandwich made from spherical, water-filled chickens and take it and my coffee to the only seating area still open to customers. I choose a table…

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…browser’s ability to open new windows with JavaScript or you will be plagued by a thousand pop-ups. You’ll need to have Flash installed to appreciate the full glory of this…

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…he knew then what we know now. I overheard the following through an open, gentrified front door while walking home yesterday. An early-middle-aged drabbie was calling up to her husband,

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Anastacia By Numbers

…studio complex for the main chorus, introduced by a Tyrannosaurus rex drum fill: “I-Y-AM A SHOUTY SHOUTY WOMAN!” apocalyptic drum crescendo super-anguished verse: “You beat me, cheat me, use your…

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A Killer Title

I saw this poster yesterday on the noticeboard at work. The Cambridge Philosophical Society lectures are public. To quote the society, they are “open to all who are interested”. Sadly,…

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…the remake of The Magic Roundabout. The living room door bursts open in an explosion of wood and plaster. Three wheeled robots enter through a cloud of smoke.] Dr Who:…

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Lightly Worn

for a living know this. He was reading for show. His ostentatious “studiousness” grated on me. He was behaving like a schoolkid with his face up against open pages, trying…

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…hanky-panky already.” Neo smiles, opens the garment up further, and declares camply, “I know! It’s completely lined!” On a related note, check out at least one of the episodes Chad…

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Goo Goo Ga Ga

…Google runs open source software. It has a sense of humour. It has the best philosophy of any dotcom yet: “You can make money without doing evil.” (a philosophy I…

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Western Reviewed

Open Range is an excellent film, well acted. It’s slow and has a couple of unfortunate structural flaws, but it features at least one awesome, crunchingly realistic gunfight. Robert Duvall…

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Fancy a Shag?

…Italy, a year or so ago and being overwhelmed, by comparison, with the green soft beauty of this country’s landscape. One thing I hate about Britain is its drinking “culture”….

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New Labour Censorship

…linked here commenting specifically on this strange phenomenon. Admittedly, PooterGeek is not a forum for free speech. I have deleted thousands of spam comments, suppressed one libel directed at someone…

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Crystal Balls

…in free democracies divine with such frequency and confidence), and about predictions. You may think the election in Iraq was a triumph for reason and freedom over the forces of…

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A Gift For Précis

Savapoint is a source for cheap software and hardware. Even before the savings on sales prices, the Savapoint Website provides completely free entertainment for visitors. Some of the perfunctory descriptions…

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…Slashdot] This is a good time to point out that I conflated a couple of different issues when I rambled about the spread of HIV in the comments here. The…

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This one is mainly aimed at my American posse. Shouts out to you all, brothers and sisters. This piece in The Telegraph [probably requires free registration] begins as typical Sunday…

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Poot Toots

…Sesame Forum will be supporting Joe Lee Wilson on the first day, Friday 23Feb07. Apparently Wilson has: a free and resonant baritone, soaring through a three octave range with command

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…collects these things too, or you found something similarly mystifying on Amazon then do feel free to add your own examples in the comments. Share this: Facebook Twitter Email Reddit…

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Mr White

[BERLIN: A Luxury Executive Premium polar bear enclosure. KNUT relaxes on a Le Corbusier recliner carved out of rock, doing bicep curls with a protesting baby seal clutched in his…

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…U.S. and U.N. should respond to the situation in Israel. You need to register (free) with the New York Times online to read it. Share this: Facebook Twitter Email Reddit…

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House Of Pain

…Bet the Democrats wish they had such a divided opposition to deal with. [Free registration required; contains parochial British politics that may render overseas readers unconscious.] Share this: Facebook Twitter…

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It’s Academic Now

…(which requires better salaries). PG …which requires the government to free the universities from the HEFCE “we-fund-your-teaching-on-the-basis-of-your-research” model and/or needs academics in the good universities to have the balls to…

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Hi, Olivia. It’s Damian here. Er, I was wondering if you might be free for lunch on Thursday. We could, um, discuss… “…Sex”? It’s always the same with you professional…

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“There is no moral difference between a suicide bomber and a Stealth bomber.” Tony “free Tariq Aziz” Benn on BBC Radio 2 five minutes ago Share this: Facebook Twitter Email Reddit…

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…do it myself. That’s what it comes to when so many of the people who disagree with you are humourless, witless, or unhinged. For heaven’s sake, who runs in fear…

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A Little Miracle

…ordered the CD single, despite the whole thing being available free online via Real Player here. [Brace yourself for Ms Clarkson’s scary Photoshopped-white teeth.] Share this: Facebook Twitter Email Reddit…

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Euston Email Of The Day

…as to why this 47 storey building basically undamaged collapsed in free fall particularly when owner Larry Silverstein is recorded as saying he pulled building 7.Demolition terminology for implosion.…

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Excuses, Excuses

…me wearing it and instantly fall in love. How am I supposed to sustain my free-marketeering, neo-con, libertarian, reptilian reputation with friends like these? Share this: Facebook Twitter Email Reddit…

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First Post!

…to Adolf Blair and the PC brigade. Over at another blog I don’t read often, Comment Is Free, Rory Maclean (or perhaps a sub-editor, not inaccurately summing up his post)…

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By The Way

Thank you to Pete in the comments and to everyone else who’s been sending kind wishes. It’s good to be alive on days like these. I hope eventually everyone will…

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To my immense amusement, I am quoted in a national Dutch free daily newspaper today, saying (of the Euston Manifesto): “We had no idea it would get so big”. Share…

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…personal antipathy: Now that he’s officially the Republican nominee for president and has an excellent chance of becoming the most powerful man in the world, I feel free to admit,…

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Oops, Odone Again

free school Given that the Daily Telegraph always does its best to keep its circulation up (along with the circulations of retired red-faced colonels) with its notorious titillating inside-front-page provincial…

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Big And Dumb

…afternoon, I compounded this classic error by going to ASDA, grocers to Britain’s underclass and subsidiary of the USA’s Wal-Mart. This is Cambridge ASDA, of course, so our chavs have…

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Self Demotion

Last time I was interviewing candidates for a job I had my “girl compensator” turned up quite high. In The Telegraph today Anne Robinson explains what I mean. [Free registration…

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Norm Referencing

…known entities throughout the infinite cosmos. While communicating with these entities, however I imagined existence to be, Norm actualized fantasy communications with that mode of existence. So at the end…

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Size Matters

…you should have a browse through the literature on sperm competition. In the case of ducks, that promiscuity is not necessarily the females’ choice, so they discriminate between mates by…

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The Bottom Line

…non-subscribers. It opens robustly: “More even than Iraq, or hospital superbugs, the issue in the UK election most obscured by political rhetoric is immigration. Some of the myths deserve to…

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Pish Pash

…non-Jewish Jewish conspiracy. By way of public apology to her, I invite you to check out the original story she recommended, about “Mel Gibson’s” new film The Passion [free New…

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Idle Hands

…know I am in the final stages of completing my work on combining both Archimedes and epuiangular spirals into one method. This will expose the flaw within science and demonstrate…

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Working Out

One month’s free personal training with my new gym membership and the need for structure in my life have turned me into something of an obsessive. The very helpful staff…

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Holy Moly

…extreme, but they can obviously play. Despite their technical competence I stopped listening to their free MP3s when one of my fillings was shaken loose. Share this: Facebook Twitter Email…

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Up For It

…It was also fun for all the family. An audience of nuns would have stayed blush-free for the evening—she even made a point of not showing us her pictures of…

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Browned Off

…Gordon Brown has completely outflanked the Tories. [Since it’s the London Times there’s no free access for you dirty foreigners, but then you probably don’t care that much about the…

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Google Bible

…it appears in print. In summary, it’s good enough that I would have paid for it if they hadn’t given me a free copy. Share this: Facebook Twitter Email Reddit…

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An Ally At Last

and Romans. You might have to register (for free) with The Spectator site to view the article, but it’s worth the minor inconvenience involved. Here’s my original post, by the…

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Festival Round-Up

…to have completely lost it. There’s no need to drift off into a “bloody long-haired hippies with their drugs and wailing pop music” tirade to make the case against “Glasto”….

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About PooterGeek

…the “Rosalind Franklin Centre for Genomic Research”—or something). Because I wanted people who were searching for technical publications written by me to be able to find them easily, I blogged…

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Bang To Rights

…of their life behind bars, wrongfully convicted of a crime they didn’t commit? An apology, maybe? Counselling? Champagne? Compensation? Well, if you’re David Blunkett, the Labour Home Secretary, the choice…

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Get Out. Get Ahead.

Thomas Friedman has some advice for the Israelis today. PooterGeek’s Israel correspondent’s on it. [May require free registration with the New York Times; contains small moving fonts; not suitable for

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